Intergovernmental Personnel Act Detailee

Intergovernmental Personnel Act Detailee

Intergovernmental Personnel Act Detailee (IPA)

Assignments may be made to or from federal agencies and the following: state and local governments; private and public colleges and universities; Indian Tribal governments; federally funded research and development centers; and qualified non-profit organizations involved in public management. Assignments must be with the consent of the employee and for work of mutual benefit to the organizations involved.
Incoming IPA assignments are funded through grants to the institution as reimbursement for salary and benefits. It is NSF's policy to request at least 15% cost sharing of salary and benefits from the institution for incoming IPA assignments. Indirect and administrative costs cannot be reimbursed by NSF. Policy information on the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Program is contained on the Office of Personnel Management's website.

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