Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Light Experiments at Home With a Laser Physicist
How the ARC Laser Works
NIF in Focus: Inside the ARC Laser
NIF-JLF User Group Celebrates HED Science
Middle School Students Discover STE(A)M at NIF
Take a ride along NIF’s optics recycle loop
A 360-degree tour of a NIF shot
LLNL scientist is passionate about targets
No Limit: Exploring the Science of the Universe
Henry Hui: Reaching Out to the Community
A Growing Family of Targets for the National Ignition Facility
The Optics Whisperer: Master Optician Hones His Art at LLNL
Congressman Swalwell visits the National Ignition Facility
Tammy Ma and the lure of cutting-edge science
Countdown to a NIF Laser Shot