COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information

LIST OF KEY WEBSITES FOR REGULARLY UPDATED CORONAVIRUS INFORMATION Country Information from U.S. Embassies See the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland for the latest updates on Switzerland Neighbouring Countries U.S. Embassy France U.S. Embassy Germany U.S. Embassy Italy U.S. Government Information Sources / Travel and Health Warnings CDC page on COVID-19 T Country Information and Travel Advisory page World Health Organization World Health Organization information page on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak Swiss Government Sources Federal Ministry of Health Canton of Geneva United …

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Statement by Ambassador Shea at the WTO Trade Policy Review of Indonesia

WTO TRADE POLICY REVIEW OF INDONESIA Statement by U.S. Representative Ambassador Dennis C. Shea As Delivered Geneva – December 9, 2020 Thank you, Chair, and thank you to Ambassador Villalobos. The United States is pleased to welcome Vice Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga and the other members of the Indonesian delegation to the Trade Policy …

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Remarks by Assistant Secretary Robert Destro on Religious Freedom in Tibet

Remarks at the virtual event “Religious Freedom in Tibet: The Appointment of Buddhist Leaders and the Succession of the Dalai Lama” Robert A. Destro Assistant Secretary and U.S. Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor December 4, 2020 As Delivered Thank you for inviting me to join you and thank …

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Secretary Pompeo: The United States Condemns Venezuela’s Fraudulent Legislative Elections

The United States Condemns Venezuela’s Fraudulent Legislative Elections 12/07/2020 10:49 AM EST Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State On December 6, the illegitimate Maduro regime in Venezuela staged a political farce intended to look like legislative elections. Fortunately, few were fooled. The United States, along with numerous other democracies around the world, condemns this charade …

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Ambassador Andrew Bremberg Remarks at the UNHCR Pledging Conference

The United States remains steadfast in our commitment to protecting and assisting the world’s most vulnerable; in coordination with other states, UNHCR and other UN agencies, non-governmental organizations, development actors, the private sector, and affected people themselves.

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U.S. Statement at the Trade Policy Review of Thailand

Trade Policy Review of Thailand Statement by the U.S. Representative Geneva, November 24, 2020 As Delivered Thank you, Chair. We welcome Thailand’s delegation today for its eighth Trade Policy Review (TPR). Thailand is an important economic partner of the United States, and we share a long trade relationship, dating back to the 1833 U.S.-Thailand Treaty …

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US Supports WHA Maintaining Focus on Health not Politics on Agenda Item 17

World Health Organization (WHO) 73rd World Health Assembly (WHA) Geneva, Switzerland November 12, 2020 Health Conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan Agenda Item 17 Regarding World Health Assembly Agenda item 17, titled Health Conditions in the Occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied …

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EOP on Resolution EB146.R10 Strengthening preparedness for health emergencies: implementation of the International Health Regulations

There is no international right to abortion, nor is there any obligation on the part of States to finance or facilitate abortion. As such, while the United States joins consensus on Resolution EB146.R10, for the reasons articulated above, we disassociate from preambular paragraph 25.

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Jamaica

The United States recommends that Jamaica: 1. End abuses by security forces and other government agents involved in extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detention, and life-threatening prison conditions, and ensure swift accountability for those who commit abuses, by implementing existing mechanisms to investigate and punish abuses, and clearing administrative backlogs.

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UPR of the United States: Statement by Alexander Maugeri, Department of Justice

The United States Constitution, along with federal and state laws, establishes standards of care to which all inmates are entitled. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, or BOP, meets its constitutional and statutory mandates by confining inmates in prisons and community-based facilities that are safe, humane, and appropriately secure.

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UPR of the United States – Statement by Robert Destro, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

Our  report  represents  not  just  the  work  of  the  Department  of  State,  but  also  the  Departments  of  Interior,  Justice,  Homeland  Security,  Labor,  Housing  &  Urban  Development,  Health  &  Human  Services,  Education,  Defense,  and  others.

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Participation of Taiwan in the Upcoming World Health Assembly 

Participation of Taiwan in the Upcoming World Health Assembly Press Statement U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva November 6, 2020 We urge Director-General Tedros to invite Taiwan to participate in the upcoming World Health Assembly on November 9-14. We encourage the WHO to expand its efforts to offer Taiwan increased meaningful cooperation and …

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The U.S. Government’s Opposition to the Business and Human Rights Treaty Process 

The U.S. government will not participate in the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (OEIGWG) session this week on the articulation of a business and human rights treaty.  We continue to oppose this treaty based on its substance and the process around its development.   

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Ambassador Robert Wood: Statement During the UN First Committee General Debate

United Nations First Committee (Disarmament and International Security)  General Debate Speech  Ambassador Robert Wood U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, U.S. Special Representative for Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC) Issues and U.S. Commissioner for the New START Treaty’s Bilateral Consultative Commission (BCC) October 9, 2020 Text of Video Statement Thank you, Mr. …

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Statement by Ambassador Shea: WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations Heads of Delegation Meeting Statement by Ambassador Dennis C. Shea October 9, 2020 Thank you, Santiago, for your report and reflections on the week, as well as sharing some of your plans for the intersessional period leading up to the November meetings. The United States continues to support your process, which …

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Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) – Opening Statement

Opening Statement Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems Statement September 21, 2020 Thank you Mr. Chair for stepping in to lead the GGE, and let me begin by ensuring you of our delegation’s support during the upcoming meeting. We also thank Ambassador Karklins for his work, including his initiative to invite national …

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Statement by Ambassador Shea: WTO Heads of Delegation Meeting on Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Together with other co-sponsors, we also put forward a revised version of our joint notifications and transparency text, so as to allow a text-based negotiation of a core element of the discipline that will be key to the success of any future agreement …

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U.S. Response to Allegations of State-Level Impingement of an Assumed Right to Abortion

U.S. Response to Allegations of State-Level Impingement of an Assumed Right to Abortion   The following is the text of the United States response to a group of UN special procedures mandate holders alleging U.S. impingement to an assumed “right to abortion.” The letter was sent on August 11, 2020 to the Working Group on Discrimination Against Women …

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Ambassador Robert Wood: Statement at the Conference on Disarmament

Every CD Member State, indeed, Mr. President, every nation on Earth, should insist, as a matter of international peace and security, that China engage on nuclear arms control, transparency, and confidence building with the United States and the Russian Federation without further delay.

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Statement by Ambassador Shea: WTO Rules Negotiating Group – Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Meeting of the Heads of Delegation Statement by Ambassador Dennis C. Shea Deputy U.S. Trade Representative and U.S. Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization Geneva, 21 July 2020 Santiago, thank you for your efforts over the last challenging months. We appreciate your calling us back together today to provide our initial reactions to the …

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Statement by Ambassador Bremberg on the Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights

  Statement by Ambassador Andrew Bremberg U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva On the Release of the First Report of the Commission on Unalienable Rights At this moment, hundreds of millions of men, women, and children around the world continue to suffer under harsh authoritarian regimes, where their …

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The United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian People

Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary Of State June 30, 2020 At today’s fourth Brussels Conference on “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region,” hosted by the European Union, Special Representative for Syria Engagement Ambassador James Jeffrey announced more than $696 million in additional humanitarian assistance for the people of Syria in response to the ongoing …

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Secretary Pompeo: On the Hypocrisy of UN Human Rights Council

On the Hypocrisy of UN Human Rights Council PRESS STATEMENT MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE JUNE 20, 2020 The United Nations Human Rights Council, now comprised of Venezuela and recently, Cuba and China, has long been and remains a haven for dictators and democracies that indulge them.  It is a grave disappointment to those genuinely seeking …

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U.S. Explanation of Vote in Favor of Postponing the International Labor Conference to June 2021

United States Explanation of Vote in Favor of Postponing the International Labor Conference to June 2021 On March 30, 2020, the Director-General of the International Labor Organization (ILO)—with the concurrence of the Officers of the ILO Governing Body (GB) and the tripartite Screening Group comprising regional coordinators for all ILO member States —sent a ballot …

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The U.S. Role in International Organizations’ Response to COVID-19

The United States is by far the most generous and reliable contributor to crisis response and humanitarian action through the United Nations and dozens of international organizations. U.S. assistance, monetary and in-kind contributions, expertise and technology, are indispensable to the effort to combat COVID-19. 

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Release of Arbitrarily Detained Civilians and U.S. Citizens in Syria to Avert COVID-19 Spread

In light of threats posed by COVID-19, the United States reiterates its calls for the Assad regime to take concrete steps to protect the fate of thousands of civilians, including U.S. citizens, being held arbitrarily in overcrowded and inhumane conditions in regime detention centers.

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The State Department Imposes Sanctions on Individual Responsible for the Violence in northern Syria

The State Department Imposes Sanctions on Individual Responsible for the Violence in northern Syria STATEMENT BY SECRETARY MICHAEL R. POMPEO U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE For Immediate Release Washington, DC – March 17, 2020 Today, the United States is designating a senior Assad regime official who is responsible for the violence and the disastrous humanitarian crisis …

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U.S. Delegation to the 77th (27th Extraordinary) Session of WIPO Coordination Committee

Ambassador Andrew Bremberg, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva, will serve as the Head of Delegation.  Ambassador Robert Wood, U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, and Mr. Andrei Iancu, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and …

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USAID Statement on the Commitment of $37 Million in Assistance to Respond to COVID-19

The U.S. Government is providing these funds to the World Health Organization, other multilateral institutions, and programs led by USAID’s implementing partners. These are the first U.S. Government funds committed from the pledge of up to $100 million announced by the U.S. Department of State on February 7, 2020.

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Statement by Ambassador Shea at Heads of Delegation Meeting

I would like to use today’s meeting to highlight the importance of meaningful WTO reform to the United States given the publication this past weekend of the U.S. President’s Trade Policy Agenda. This important report provides direct guidance to me and the rest of the Executive Branch in the U.S. Government on trade policy priorities.

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Condemning the Former Maduro Regime’s Participation at the UN Human Rights Council

 The United States reiterates our outrage that Maduro’s representatives sit on an international body charged with upholding human rights, while in Venezuela the former regime continues a campaign of systemic repression and targeted violence to maintain its tenuous grip on power.

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COVID-19 Information

Information Resources on COVID-19 Country Information from U.S. Embassies See the U.S. Embassy in Switzerland for the latest updates on Switzerland Neighbouring Countries U.S. Embassy France U.S. Embassy Germany U.S. Embassy Italy U.S. Government Information Sources CDC page on COVID-19 COVID-19 crisis page on Country Information and Travel Advisory page World Health Organization World Health Organization information page on the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak Swiss Government Sources Federal Ministry of Health Canton of Geneva United Nations Office at Geneva …

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Remarks at the High-Level Forum on Wider Postal Sector Engagement at the UPU

Ambassador Bremberg: “We have already seen this happening in many places around the world.  And our challenge now, internationally, is how do we make these similar types of reforms at an international level that finds a meaningful way for postal sector operators to participate in the work of the UPU itself, and enabling them to …

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U.S. Statement on the Report of the WHO Director General

Ambassador Bremberg: “The novel coronavirus, now detected in over two dozen countries and affecting the global community, requires focused attention. We express our support, prayers, sympathy, and appreciation to the people of China and especially the health responders on the front lines, who are protecting not only their communities, but the world.”

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Remarks by Ambassador Andrew Bremberg at UN Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony

I am honored to be a part of this event and humbled to be in the presence of survivors whose conviction and courage inspire awe and faith.  Holocaust Remembrance Day keeps alive the stories and experiences of those who bore witness to one of the most horrific periods in history – a few short years …

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VIDEO: U.S. Participation in the First Global Refugee Forum

The United States was proud to participate in the first Global Refugee Forum this week in Geneva and to reaffirm of our ongoing humanitarian assistance leadership. The needs of people affected by conflict and persecution are still greater than the support offered. More donors need to do more to ensure human dignity of all refugees. …

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

During the December 10-11 fiftieth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, the U.S. delegation expressed frustration that participants have been unable to make progress on core issues and called on Russia to fulfill its obligations under the August 12, 2008 six-point ceasefire agreement, including in particular by withdrawing Russian …

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Statement by Ambassador Bremberg: 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

On behalf of the U.S. Government, I thank the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the Standing Commission for your efforts preparing for this important quadrennial conference.

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Ambassador Shea: Matters Related to the Functioning of the Appellate Body

Statement as Delivered by Ambassador Dennis Shea WTO General Council Meeting, December 9, 2019 INFORMAL PROCESS ON MATTERS RELATED TO THE FUNCTIONING OF THE APPELLATE BODY – REPORT BY THE FACILITATOR AND DRAFT DECISION ON THE FUNCTIONING OF THE APPELLATE BODY (WT/GC/W/791) We thank the Facilitator, Ambassador David Walker, for his considerable efforts to date …

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U.S. Statement to the Pledging Conference of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The U.S. government pledges an initial $125 million towards this 2020 appeal. At the same time, we extend our gratitude to States who continue to host large numbers of refugees while noting the need for continued commitment to refugee protection. We stand with you.

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U.S. Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Secretary Pompeo: “The United States recognizes the inherent dignity that every woman and girl possesses and is committed to defending the safety and security of women and girls around the world and to cultivating their development as future leaders of our world.”

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Statements by the United States at the November 22, 2019, DSB Meeting

Statements by the United States at the Meeting of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body Delivered by Ambassador Dennis Shea, U.S. Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization Geneva, November 22, 2019 NOTE: Only item 4 was delivered by Ambassador Shea. The other statements in this document were delivered at staff level. Read the Statements (PDF 274 KB) …

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U.S. Statement at Conference of High Contracting Parties to CCW Protocol V

The United States greatly values Protocol V as an instrument that brings together States with the common goal of minimizing the risk and effects of Explosive Remnants of War.  Full implementation of Protocol V assists in our collective efforts to reduce the post-conflict humanitarian problems caused by ERW. 

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CCW: U.S. Statement on Consideration of the GGE Report on LAWS

The United States places great value in the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) as an international humanitarian law (IHL) treaty framework that brings together States with diverse security interests to discuss issues related to weapons that may be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects.

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Harassment of the Family Members of Uighur Activists and Survivors in Xinjiang, China

The United States remains deeply troubled by multiple reports that the government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has harassed, imprisoned, or arbitrarily detained family members of Uighur Muslim activists and survivors of Xinjiang internment camps who have made their stories public.

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of El Salvador

We commend El Salvador for holding free and fair presidential elections in February this year and for announcing a new international mechanism to combat impunity and corruption, but remain concerned by alarmingly high rates of violence, corruption, and impunity and legislative efforts in the past year to undermine accountability and transitional justice.

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The U.S. Government’s Continued Opposition to the Business & Human Rights Treaty Process

The United States once again will not participate in this week’s session of the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group (OEIGWG) on the articulation of a business and human rights treaty in Geneva, because it remains opposed to the treaty process and the manner in which it has been pursued.

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

At the forty-ninth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, the U.S. delegation expressed concern over the recent escalation of tensions along the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) with South Ossetia.

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U.S. Department of State Imposes Visa Restrictions on Chinese Officials for Repression in Xinjiang

The United States calls on the People’s Republic of China to immediately end its campaign of repression in Xinjiang, release all those arbitrarily detained, and cease efforts to coerce members of Chinese Muslim minority groups residing abroad to return to China to face an uncertain fate. 

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U.S. Statement at the 70th Session of the UNHCR Executive Committee

U.S. Delegation Statement 70th Sessionof the UNHCR Executive CommitteeCarol Thompson O’ConnellActing Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration As Prepared for Delivery Geneva, October 7, 2019 Mr. Chairman, Five years into the ambitious ten-year #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness, we are reminded that UNHCR has set a high bar, and that every Member State should …

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The U.S. Increases its Contribution in Response to the Venezuelan Regional Crisis

On September 25, Secretary Pompeo announced in New York nearly $119 million in additional humanitarian assistance to further demonstrate the United States’ commitment and solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the region in response to the Maduro-made Venezuela crisis. 

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U.S. Announces New Humanitarian Assistance for Displaced Rohingya in Bangladesh and Burma

Today in New York, the United States announced more than $127 million in additional humanitarian assistance for Rohingya refugees and host communities in Bangladesh and internally displaced Rohingya and members of other affected communities in Burma. 

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United States Announces Additional Humanitarian Assistance in Response to Venezuelan Regional Crisis

Deputy Secretary John Sullivan and United States Agency for International Development Administrator Mark Green announced September 4 in Cúcuta, Colombia more than $120 million in additional U.S. humanitarian assistance to address the largest external displacement of persons in the Hemisphere’s history.

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Statement by Ambassador Wood: The Threats Posed by Russia and China to Security of the Outer Space Environment.

The United States has explained in detail, many times our concerns about definitions and about verification related to objects in outer space and especially related to the draft “Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space” that has been submitted to this body by Russia and China. We have previously provided …

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The U.S. to Provide Additional $38 M to Contain Ebola outbreak, including $15 M funding to WHO

The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is providing more than $38 million in additional assistance to help end the ongoing Ebola outbreak in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), including $15 million in new funding to the World Health Organization.

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Statements delivered by Ambassador Dennis Shea – WTO General Council Meeting Geneva, July 24, 2019

We thank the proponents for their paper.  While we disagree with much of the paper’s content, we expect some of the issues it raises to be a significant part of the discussion in this Council as we approach MC12, so we appreciate the opportunity to confront them head on. 

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Deputy Secretary Sullivan’s Participation in Strategic Security Dialogue with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov

The Strategic Security Dialogue is the latest in a series of meetings the United States has conducted with Russian officials to build on Secretary Pompeo’s and Foreign Minister Lavrov’s discussions during their May 14 meeting in Sochi, Russia.

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Public Designation, Due to Gross Violations of Human Rights, of Burmese Military Officials

Today, the Department of State is publicly designating the following individuals and their immediate family members for the named individuals’ responsibility for gross human rights violations, including in extrajudicial killings in northern Rakhine State, Burma, during the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya.

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Ambassador Shea: Statement on EU Implementation of Non-Tariff Barriers on Agricultural Products

For more than 4 years, over 40 Members have taken the floor in the SPS and TBT Committees to ask the European Union to reconsider unsound policies–the implementation of which would have a profound and adverse impact on global agricultural production and trade, particularly in developing countries.  

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Restoring Fundamental Freedoms in Nicaragua

We stand by the Nicaraguan people in their calls for a restoration of democracy through early, free, and fair elections. Rather than amnesty for human rights abusers, we demand a full accounting of crimes by Nicaraguan forces, including their role in the May 16 prison death of dual U.S.-Nicaraguan citizen and political prisoner Eddy Montes.

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U.S. Statement at the Trade Policy Review of Canada

Canada is a good neighbor and key trading partner, and its trade regime continues to be of keen interest to the United States.  The United States is by far Canada’s number one trading partner, accounting for 75.1 percent of Canada’s merchandise goods exports and over half of its goods imports, as noted in the Secretariat’s …

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Confronting Atrocities in China: The Global Response to the Uyghur Crisis

Remarks David J. Ranz, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau Of South And Central Asian Affairs Washington, DC, June 6, 2019 U.S. Capitol Visitors Center As prepared Good morning, salam alaikum, and “Yahshimusiz”. My name is David Ranz and I am the acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia, within the Bureau of South …

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Portugal

We complement Portugal for its positive overall human rights record, and especially for its cooperation with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, or other persons of concern.

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Arms Control and International Security: Lessons From Disarmament History for the CEND Initiative

When we emphasize the degree to which the CEND initiative learns lessons from the past about how it is futile — and can be counterproductive — to try to address disarmament issues without considering the underlying circumstances of the security environment in which disarmament-related decisions take place, we are not just making idle assumptions. This …

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Increased Violence in Northwest Syria

The United States is alarmed by the escalation of violence in Idlib and northern Hama. Ongoing Russian and regime airstrikes, along with attacks by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and other groups connected to Al Qaeda in Syria, continue to destabilize the region, exacerbate the dire humanitarian situation, and cause dozens of civilian deaths and injuries – …

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U.S. Statement: Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures

As we continue fisheries subsidies negotiations in the Rules Negotiating Group, discussions have all too often devolved into abstract debates on definitions, fisheries management regimes, and jurisdictional issues. The subsidy notifications called for by our ministers are straightforward and serve as an important reality check on those discussions.

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Nuclear Disarmament Colloquium: Closing Remarks

As we work with international partners to make this emerging dialogue a reality, I think the approach and the insights that animate today’s colloquium are precisely the right ones. I think we all share a commitment to bringing into being a world that is not only free of nuclear weapons, but is also one in …

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Procedures to Enhance Transparency and Strengthen Notification Requirements Under WTO Agreements

The proposal circulated for today’s meeting is a culmination of improvements based on the work of all of the co-sponsors, the extremely helpful Member feedback we received during three CTG meetings, as well as countless bilateral and small group meetings. 

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The United States and Partners Hold Event on Human Rights Violations and Abuses in Nicaragua

On April 4, the United States, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Georgia held an event in Geneva, Switzerland, to expose the ongoing violations and abuses of human rights in Nicaragua that began in April 2018 with the Ortega-Murillo regime’s violent crackdown on peaceful protesters.

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U.S. Statement at the Geneva International Discussions on the Conflict in Georgia

At the forty-seventh round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, April 2-3, the United States welcomed the resumption of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) meetings in Ergneti and efforts by the GID Co-Chairs and participants to re-convene the IPRM meetings in Gali as soon as possible.

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U.S. Global Leadership in Landmine Clearance and Conventional Weapons Destruction

Today’s release of the 18th edition of To Walk the Earth in Safety, the Department of State’s annual report summarizing the accomplishments of the U.S. Conventional Weapons Destruction Program, highlights our enduring commitment to making post-conflict communities safer and setting the stage for their recovery and development.

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Convention on CCW GGE: U.S. Practice in the Assessment of Weapons Systems

The United States would like to supplement its remarks during yesterday’s session on IHL challenges by responding to a few points raised by our colleagues and by offering a deeper exploration of U.S. practices in the assessment of weapons systems, which we hope will, to borrow from our Australian counterparts, both deepen and broaden understandings …

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U.S. Statement at WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations

Ambassador Shea: “I am pleased to join you today because this negotiation has the potential to be a real game-changer. The fisheries subsidies negotiations represent a potentially pivotal opportunity for the WTO to demonstrate that its negotiating arm remains strong, and that the organization can develop new rules that have a real-world impact not only …

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Our Vision for a Constructive, Collaborative Disarmament Discourse

Assistant Secretary Christopher Ford: “The United States is in the process of developing implementation plans for a pathbreaking new initiative aimed at bringing countries together in a constructive dialogue exploring ways in which it might be possible to ameliorate conditions in the global security environment so as to make that environment more conducive to further …

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Humanitarian Assistance for Afghans Affected by Conflict, Drought, and Other Natural Disasters  

The United States announced more than $61 million in additional humanitarian assistance to meet the needs of vulnerable communities, displaced persons, and returning refugees across Afghanistan, as well as Afghan refugees in the region.

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U.S. Statement on LAWS: Potential Military Applications of Advanced Technology

The United States believes that discussion of the possible options for addressing the humanitarian and international security challenges posed by emerging technologies in the area of LAWS must involve consideration of how these technologies can be used to enhance the protection of the civilian population against the effects of hostilities.

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Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary Filipetti on the Human Rights Situation in Venezuela

Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Carrie Filipetti at an event on Human Rights Violations and Abuses in Venezuela Geneva, March 19, 2019  We want to welcome our distinguished guests and the courageous panelists to this event on Venezuela’s human rights crisis. The United States is joined by Albania, Argentina, …

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U.S.-Hosted Event on Protecting Fundamental Freedoms in Xinjiang, China

On March 13, the United States co-hosted an event with Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland to raise awareness regarding ongoing and egregious human rights abuses in Xinjiang, where more than one million Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and other members of Muslim minority groups have been …

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Ambassador Shea’s Statement On Procedures to Strengthen the Negotiating Function of the WTO

“The United States recognizes the great strides made by several WTO Members since the establishment of the WTO in raising standards of living, increasing real income, and expanding production and trade – goals set out in the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO.”

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United States Provides Additional Humanitarian Aid to Venezuelans Who Have Fled Their Country

Today, Vice President Pence announced that the United States is providing nearly $56 million in additional humanitarian assistance to support the regional response for the nearly 3.4 million Venezuelans who have fled Venezuela due to the political and economic crisis caused by Nicolas Maduro.

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U.S. Announces New Humanitarian Assistance at the Launch of the Joint Response Plan for Bangladesh

02/15/2019 09:59 AM EST Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC February 15, 2019 Today in Geneva, the United States announced $60 million in humanitarian assistance at the launch of the 2019 UN Joint Response Plan for Bangladesh. This funding will help address the emergency needs of more than 900,000 refugees in Bangladesh, most …

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Eritrea

The United States applauds Eritrea’s efforts to pursue peace with its neighbors and its engagement with the international community.  We highlight the importance of protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms as essential elements of peace, security, and development and restate our interest in working together to advance these common goals.

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United States Is Ready To Provide Urgent Humanitarian Aid to the People of Venezuela

Secretary of State Pompeo announced that the United States is ready to provide more than $20 million in initial humanitarian assistance to the people of Venezuela as they struggle to cope with severe food and medicine shortages and the other dire impacts of their country’s political and economic crisis caused by the illegitimate Maduro regime.

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Vanuatu

U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Vanuatu 32ndSession Geneva, January 24, 2019 as delivered by Anna Palladino  The United States welcomes the Vanuatu delegation to the UPR Working Group. We recommend that Vanuatu: Address the lack of accountability for police abuse and corruption by the Vanuatu Mobile Force and the Vanuatu Police Force …

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Macedonia

The United States is encouraged by Macedonia’s progress in increasing transparency and accountability in judicial independence; however, we note that sustained efforts by the Government are required to implement reforms to combat and prosecute high-level corruption in order to restore public trust in state institutions and in the fairness and integrity of the judiciary.

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U.S. Statement by Ambassador Wood at the 2019 Session of the Conference on Disarmament

Today, I would like to speak with you about the importance of compliance with arms control obligations and the consequences when states violate arms control, nonproliferation, and disarmament agreements and commitments.  As Secretary Pompeo has said, “when treaties are broken, the violators must be confronted, and the treaties must be fixed or discarded. Words should …

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the conflict in Georgia

At the forty-sixth round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) on the conflict in Georgia, December 11-12, the United States welcomed efforts by the GID Co-Chairs and participants to re-convene the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) meetings in Gali and Ergneti as soon as possible.

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Secretary Pompeo’s Remarks at the United Nations Security Council Meeting on Iran

Secretary Pompeo: “Our goodwill gestures have been futile in correcting the Iranian regime’s reckless missile activity and its destructive behaviors. No nation can dispute that Iran is in open defiance of UN Security Council Resolution 2231.” Western Hemisphere Counterterrorism Ministerial Dec. 11: Deputy Secretary Sullivan delivered opening remarks at The Western Hemisphere Counterterrorism Ministerial at …

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Remarks at the Fourth Special Session to Review the Operation of the Chemical Weapons Convention

One of the founding principles of the CWC is to “exclude completely the possibility of use of chemical weapons, through implementation of the provisions” of the CWC. The success of this principle depends entirely on all States Parties’ compliance with their obligations. When States Parties fail to meet these obligations, they must be held accountable.

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Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons: Protocol V on Explosive Remnants of War

The U.S. Delegation appreciates Iraq’s efforts to focus our discussions this year on the clearance of explosive remnants of war, or ERW.  The United States has long supported efforts to clear ERW in Iraq, and we are proud of the cooperative partnership that we have developed with the government of Iraq in addressing the danger …

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of the Republic of the Congo

We welcome Republic of the Congo’s progress towards peace, but remain deeply concerned by reports of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment of individuals who are detained by security forces, arbitrary arrests and holding of prisoners of conscience, and undue restrictions on freedoms of association and peaceful assembly. We are also concerned about inadequate anti-trafficking legislation …

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of the Central African Republic

We welcome the progress the Government of the Central African Republic has made to strengthen justice, accountability, and the rule of law.  The United States commends the government’s recent success in holding criminal court sessions, the conviction of General Adjilo, and the National Assembly’s adoption of regulations for the Special Criminal Court.

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U.S. Statement at the Universal Periodic Review of Saudi Arabia

We commend the Kingdom’s initiatives to broaden societal and economic participation for Saudi Arabian women.  We remain, however, concerned about guardianship laws and credible reports of the forcible return of women to Saudi Arabia after these women have entered the sovereign jurisdiction of other countries.

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Arms Control and International Security: Remarks at UN General Assembly First Committee Discussion on Conventional Weapons

Mr. Chairman, the United States is a High Contracting Party to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) and all of its Protocols. We view the CCW as an important instrument because it has brought together States with diverse national security concerns, but shared concern over certain threats that affect us all.

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Ambassador Wood’s Remarks at UN General Assembly First Committee Discussion on Regional Disarmament and Security

States base their decisions regarding deterrence and defense on their perceptions of the security environment. The U.S initiative on “Creating the Conditions for Nuclear Disarmament” – which we refer to as “CCND” for short – reflects that reality by recognizing that reducing regional tensions and conflicts will contribute to creating conditions conducive to progress on …

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73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly

On Tuesday, September 25, President Donald J. Trump will address the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations, in New York City.  The President’s remarks will be streamed on  and the White House’s Facebook page.  Later in the day, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo will deliver remarks at the United Against Nuclear Iran …

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Assistant Secretary Poblete Addresses the Conference on Disarmament

United States Remarks at the Conference on Disarmament As delivered by Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, Verification and Compliance Yleem D.S. Poblete Geneva, Switzerland August 14, 2018 Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you, all. Mr. President, I would like to bring to the attention of this body a matter related to outer space …

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Statement by Ambassador Haley on the Nomination of Michelle Bachelet to be UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Statement by Ambassador Haley on the Nomination of Michelle Bachelet to be UN High Commissioner for Human Rights August 8, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Press Release – U.S. Mission to the United Nations, New York) The United States withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council in part because of the Council’s consistent failure to address …

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United States Assisting Venezuelans in Need

Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC June 26, 2018 Vice President Mike Pence announced today in Brazil nearly $10 million in additional humanitarian U.S. assistance for Venezuelans who have fled their country due to the man-made crisis there. This funding for the Venezuelan people includes a contribution to the International Organization for Migration …

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Remarks on the UN Human Rights Council

Remarks by Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State and Nikki Haley, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Treaty Room Washington, DC June 19, 2018 SECRETARY POMPEO: Good afternoon. The Trump administration is committed to protecting and promoting the God-given dignity and freedom of every human being. Every individual has rights that are inherent and inviolable. They are …

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United States Commemorates World Refugee Day

On World Refugee Day, we join the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and our international partners in commemorating the strength, courage, and resilience of millions of refugees worldwide who have been forced to flee their homes due to persecution and conflict.

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Joint Statement of President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un at the Singapore Summit

President Donald J. Trump of the United States of America and Chairman Kim Jong Un of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) held a first, historic summit in Singapore on June 12, 2018.

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Syria has Neither the Credibility nor the Moral Authority to Assume the Presidency of the CD

Ambassador Robert Wood: Simply put, it is a travesty that the Syrian regime – which continues to indiscriminately slaughter its own people with weapons banned by the Chemical Weapons Convention – should presume to preside over this body.

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U.S. Statement on the Referendum in Burundi

Press Statement by Heather Nauert, Department Spokesperson Washington, DC May 21, 2018 The United States notes that the May 17, referendum process in Burundi was marred by a lack of transparency, the suspension of media outlets, and attempts to pressure voters. The government allowed vigorous campaigning by the opposition during the designated two-week campaign period, but …

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An Unfair, Unfree Vote in Venezuela

The United States condemns the fraudulent election that took place in Venezuela on May 20. This so-called “election” is an attack on constitutional order and an affront to Venezuela’s tradition of democracy. Until the Maduro regime restores a democratic path in Venezuela through free, fair, and transparent elections, the government faces isolation from the international …

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After the Deal: A New Iran Strategy

Secretary Pompeo: “We’ll continue to work with allies to counter the regime’s destabilizing activities in the region, block their financing of terror, and address Iran’s proliferation of missiles and other advanced weapons systems that threaten peace and stability. We will also ensure Iran has no path to a nuclear weapon — not now, not ever. …

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NPT PrepCom: Closing Statement by U.S. Ambassador Robert Wood

Closing Statement by the United States Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Ambassador Robert A. Wood Permanent Representative of the United States to the Conference on Disarmament Geneva, May 4, 2018 Mr. Chairman, First, allow me to thank you for your impressive …

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U.S. Participation in the Geneva International Discussions on the conflict in Georgia

At the forty-third round of the Geneva International Discussions on the conflict in Georgia, March 27-28, the United States condemned the tragic death of Georgian citizen Archil Tatunashvili following his arrest and detention in South Ossetia in February and the unacceptable delay in the return of his remains. 

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