Facility Search Results

New Jersey Clean Water Act data are frozen, and some Clean Air Act data are incomplete.
Missouri and Washington are working with EPA to fix problems with their Clean Water Act violation data. Read More...
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Stripe color corresponds to the statute under which the facility is regulated.
Multimedia marker Multimedia (multiple statutes)
RCRA marker Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
CWA marker Clean Water Act (CWA)
MSGP marker Industrial Stormwater
SDWA marker Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
CAA marker Clean Air Act (CAA)
CAA marker None of the above (Facility Registry Service (FRS)-only facility)

Body color corresponds to compliance status of the facility.
Serious noncompliance marker Facility is in serious noncompliance
Compliance marker Facility has no violations in database
Noncompliance marker Facility is in noncompliance
Compliance information unavailable marker Facility whose compliance information is unavailable

Icon numbering corresponds to the number of years since the facility was last inspected.
1 years since inspection marker 2 years since inspection marker 3 years since inspection marker 4 years since inspection marker 5 years since inspection marker
Longer than 5 years since inspection marker Longer than 5 years
Never inspected marker Never inspected

Icon size differentiates between major and minor facilities.
Minor facility marker Minor facility
Major facility marker Major facility

Cluster of multiple facilities marker Represents a cluster of multiple facilities located in a specific region
Facilities with estimated latitude/longitude markerRepresents a facility with approximated latitude/longitude coordinates

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No Enforcement Caveat

The database shows no formal EPA or state enforcement action. Note that enforcement actions that are in process are not publicly available. For more information, continue to check this site for updates (weekly). The relevant state environmental agency also may have additional information. Also note that not all violations receive formal enforcement actions. Violations that are minor, short in duration, or quickly corrected by the facility may not warrant formal enforcement.

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Clear Air Act and Clean Water Act Caveats

ECHO is displaying Clean Air Act data from the modernized national data management system, ICIS-Air. Some states are still establishing data transfer connections to ICIS-Air. Data for these states may be incomplete.

New Jersey is not supplying EPA with required data about its Clean Water Act discharge program as it has not converted to the current program data system (ICIS-NPDES). EPA copied New Jersey's data from the old data system on November 29, 2012. This allows users to see the list of regulated facilities and associated historical activities; however, subsequent state activities are not being reported.

Missouri's Clean Water Act data problem is related to discharge monitoring reports that are reported on time by regulated facilities but are not transferring properly into the program data system (ICIS-NPDES), causing those facilities to appear to have not reported.

Washington's Clean Water Act data problem is related to a small number of facilities appearing in ECHO as noncompliant for failing to submit expected Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs), which may or may not be the case. Users should verify these data with Washington Ecology via the PARIS permit database prior to using it for any intended purpose.

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