Access HCMI Data

Genomic Data Commons (GDC)

The models’ case-associated clinical, biospecimen, and molecular characterization datasets are generated by NCI-supported Cancer Model Development Centers and some HCMI consortium members. Data are quality-checked by Clinical Data Center, Biospecimen Processing Center, and Genomic Characterization Centers, respectively. The data are harmonized and stored at NCI's GDC and can be accessed through GDC data portal as they become available. GDC data portal provides users with web-based access to models’ case-associated open- and controlled-access data.

The initiative members plan to publish a joint comprehensive manuscript when the number of models released reaches a critical number. We, therefore, request that investigators do not publish a manuscript using a large cohort of HCMI models and data before the paper is published. Use and publication of up to five models is acceptable, and we suggest acknowledging HCMI as follows:

"The models and the data are from the Human Cancer Models Initiative (HCMI); dbGaP accession number phs001486.” 

HCMI Searchable Catalog

The HCMI Searchable Catalog is a continuously updated resource for querying the next-generation models developed by HCMI. Within the Catalog, users can search available models by patient demographics, tumor, and model elements including age at diagnosis, sex, treatment information, clinical tumor diagnosis, primary site, clinical stage, and type of model (e.g. 3D-organoid, 2D-conditionally reprogrammed cells), etc. Each model page within the Catalog provides a link to corresponding data at the GDC, when available.

Last updated: June 17, 2020