Facility Search – Enforcement and Compliance Data

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Near US-Mexico Border
In Indian Country
Indian Country/Tribal Land
ICIS Tribal Land Flag
FRS Tribal Land Code
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Facility Characteristics

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Federal Facility
MSGP Notification Type

Date Submitted
Date Active
Discharging into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)

Active/Operating Active
Major Facility
Major Designation
Permit Limits Present

System Characteristics

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Activity Status

Enforcement and Compliance

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Time Since Last Inspection

By Agency:
By System:

Time Since Last Stack Test
By Agency:

Biosolids Violation Origin
(3 years) More Info
Biosolids Violation in Last Year More Info


Informal Enforcement Actions
By Agency:
Formal Enforcement Actions
By Agency:
By System:

Sanitary Surveys

Historical Violations

Environmental Conditions

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Nonattainment Area for Any Pollutant

Discharging into Impaired Waters
Discharging Pollutants Potentially Contributing to Impairment


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Restrict Air facilities based on selections below. Additional facilities may be in these databases, but those not linked to ICIS-Air aren't included.

TRI On-Site Land Releases

TRI Off-Site Chemical Transfers
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI)

National Emissions Inventory (NEI)

Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP)

Clean Air Markets Programs
CWA Surface Water Discharges
Monitoring or Limit Data

Action Level Exceedance (Past 5 Years) Violations (Past 5 Years)
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TRI Program Chemical Releases

Demographic Profile

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Annual Report

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Annual Amount of Biosolids Generated

Dry Metric Tons

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Search Type

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Geographic Location

Clear City, State, and/or ZIP Code selection. City, State, and/or ZIP Code
Clear Address selection. Address
Clear City selection. City
Clear State selection. State
Clear ZIP Code selection(s). ZIP Code
Clear County selection. County
Clear Facility Latitude/Longitude selection.
Facilities Located Within
Clear Local Agency selection. Local Agency
Clear State District selection. State District
Clear Region selection. Region
Clear US-Mexico Border selection. Near US-Mexico Border
Clear In Indian Country/Tribal Land selection.
In Indian Country
Clear In Indian Country/Tribal Land selection.
In Indian Country
Clear FRS Tribal Land Code selection. FRS Tribal Land Code
Clear On or Near Tribal Land selection. On or Near Tribal Land
Clear Tribes selection. Tribes
Find Facilities That
Clear Tribes selection. Tribe
Clear Watershed selection. Watershed HUC Code
Clear Watershed Name selection. Watershed Name
Watershed Data Source

Facility Characteristics

Clear Facility Name or ID selection. Facility Name or ID
Clear Facility Name(s) selection(s). Facility Name(s)

Clear Facility ID Number(s) selection(s). Facility ID Number(s)
Clear SIC Code 2 digit selection(s). SIC Code (2-digit selection)
Clear SIC Code 3 or 4 digit selection(s). SIC Code (3 or 4 digit selection)
Clear NAICS Code selection(s). NAICS Code (2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 digit selection)
Clear Point Source Category selection. Point Source Category
Clear NEI Universe Indicator selection(s). National Compliance Initiative (NCI) / National Enforcement Initiatives (NEIs) Universe Indicator
Clear Federal Facility selection. Federal Facility
Clear Permit Status selection. Permit Status
Clear MSGP Notification Type selection. MSGP Notification Type
Clear Permit Issuing Agency selection. Permit Issuing Agency
Clear Date Submitted selection.
Date Submitted
Clear Date Submitted selection.
Date Submitted
Clear EPA Industrial Stormwater Sector selection. EPA Industrial Stormwater Sector
Clear EPA Industrial Stormwater Subsector selection. EPA Industrial Stormwater Subsector
Clear Discharging into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System selection. Discharging into a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)
Clear MSGP Annual Report Submitted selection. MSGP Annual Report Submitted
Clear CAA Program selection. CAA Program
Clear MACT Subpart selection. MACT Subpart
Clear NSPS Subpart selection. NSPS Subpart
Clear NSPS Subpart (Non-Major) selection. NSPS Subpart (Non-Major)
Clear Facility Status selection. Facility Status
Clear CAA Classification selection. Classification
Clear CMS Source Classification selection. CMS Source Classification
Clear Federal Agency selection. Federal Agency
Clear Owner/Operator selection. Owner/Operator
Clear owner type selection. Owner Type
Clear Owner/Operator selection. Owner Operator
Clear Facility Type Indicator selection. Facility Type Indicator
Clear Federal Facility in FRS selection. Federal Facility in FRS
Clear Active/Operating selection. Clear Active selection. Active/Operating Active
Clear Major Facility selection. Major Facility
Clear Major Designation selection. Major Designation
Clear Permit Status selection. Permit Status
Clear Permit Type selection. Permit Type
Clear Permit Components selection. Permit Components
Clear Combined Sewer System selection. Combined Sewer System
Clear Permit Expiration Date selection. Permit Expiration Date
Clear Permit Limits Present selection. Permit Limits Present
Clear Universe selection. Universe
Clear Biosolids Reporting Obligation selection. Biosolids Reporting Obligation
Clear Biosolids Treatment Processes selection. Biosolids Treatment Processes
Clear Biosolids Analytical Method Category selection. Biosolids Analytical Method Category
Clear Biosolids Handler, Preparer, or Applier selection. Biosolids Handler, Preparer, or Applier
Clear Biosolids Bulk or Bag/Container selection. Biosolids Bulk or Bag/Container
Clear Biosolids Pathogen Class selection. Biosolids Pathogen Class
Clear Biosolids Pathogen Reduction Options selection. Biosolids Pathogen Reduction Options
Clear Biosolids Vector Attraction Reduction Options selection. Biosolids Vector Attraction Reduction Options
Clear Restrict By Media selection. Restrict By Media
Clear Restrict By Media selection. Restrict By Media
Clear Restrict By Media selection. Restrict By Media
Clear Restrict By Media selection. Restrict By Media
Clear MACT Subpart selection. MACT Subpart

System Characteristics

Clear System Name selection. System Name
Clear PWSIDs selection. PWSIDs
Clear System Type selection. System Type
Clear Source Water Type selection. Source Water Type
Clear Counties Served selection. Counties Served
Clear Population Served selection. Population Served
Clear Owner/Operator selection. Owner/Operator
Clear Activity Status selection. Activity Status

Owner Characteristics

Clear Owner/Operator Name(s) selection(s). Owner/Operator Name(s)

Clear Address selection. Owner Address
Clear City selection. Owner City
Clear State selection. Owner State
Clear ZIP Code selection. Owner ZIP Code

Enforcement & Compliance

Clear Time Since Last Inspection selection.
Time Since Last Inspection
Clear Inspections by Statute selection. Inspections by Statute
Clear Inspection Type selection.
Inspection Type
Clear Site Visit Type selection.
Site Visit Type
Clear Type of Monitoring selection. Type of Monitoring
Clear Time Since Last Stack Test selection. Time Since Last Stack Test
Clear Stack Test Results selection. Stack Test Results
Clear Stack Test Type selection. Stack Test Type
Clear Compliance Tracking selection. Compliance Tracking
Clear Compliance Status selection. Compliance Status
Clear Compliance Status selection. Compliance Status
Clear Compliance Issues Found During Inspection selection. Compliance Issues Found During Inspection
Clear Compliance Status selection. Compliance Status
Clear Current Violation Type selection. Current Violation Type
Clear Number of Current Violations selection. Number of Current Violations
Clear Number of Facilities with Continuing Violations selection. Facilities with Continuing Violations
Clear Deficiencies Found During Biosolids Inspection selection. Deficiencies Found During Biosolids Inspection
Clear Biosolids Violation Origin (3 years) selection. Biosolids Violation Origin (3 years)
Clear Biosolids Violation Type (3 years) selection. Biosolids Violation Type (3 years)
Clear Biosolids Violation Code (3 years) selection. Biosolids Violation Code (3 years)
Clear Biosolids Violation in Last Year selection. Biosolids Violation in Last Year
Clear Quarters with SNC or Cat 1 Violation (3 years) selection. Quarters with Significant Noncompliance (3 years)
Clear Quarters with Violation (3 years) selection.
Quarters with Violation (3 years)
Quarters with Biosolids Violation (3 years)
Clear Violations in Selected Period selection.
Violations in Selected Period
Clear Quarters with Biosolids Violation (3 years) selection.
Quarters with Biosolids Violation (3 years)
Clear Latest Violation Status selection. Latest Violation Status
Clear Number of Effluent Exceedances selection. Number of Effluent Exceedances
Within year(s)
Clear Recent Violations selection. Recent Violations
Clear Pollutant with Recent Violation selection. Pollutant with Recent Violation
Clear Months with HPV selection. Months with HPV (3 years)
Clear Latest Biosolids Noncompliance Reported selection. Latest Biosolids Noncompliance Reported
Clear Times Noncompliance for Biosolids Reported by Facility (3 years) selection. Times Noncompliance for Biosolids Reported by Facility
Clear Informal Enforcement Actions selection.
Informal Enforcement Actions
Clear Formal Enforcement Actions selection.
Formal Enforcement Actions
Clear Enforcement Type selection.
Enforcement Type
Clear Penalties selection.
Number of Benchmark Limit Exceedances (3 years) selection.
Number of Benchmark Limit Exceedances (3 years)
Clear Sanitary Surveys Within 5 Years selection.
Sanitary Surveys Within 5 Years
Clear Significant Deficiencies Within 5 Years selection.
Significant Deficiencies Within 5 Years
Clear Quarters with Violation (3 years) selection.
Quarters with Violation (3 years)
Clear Quarters as a Serious Violator (3 years) selection.
Quarters as a Serious Violator (3 years)

Environmental Conditions

Clear Nonattainment Area for Any Pollutant selection. Nonattainment Area for Any Pollutant
Clear Discharging into Impaired Waters selection. Discharging into Impaired Waters
Clear Discharging into Impaired Waters selection. Causes of Impairment(s) by Group(s) (ATTAINS)
Clear Discharging Pollutants Potentially Contributing to Impairment selection. Discharging Pollutants Potentially Contributing to Impairment
Clear Distance to Downstream Drinking Water Intake selection. Distance to Downstream Drinking Water Intake


Clear TRI Land Release Year selection. TRI Land Release Year
Clear TRI Land Release Pollutant selection. TRI Land Release Pollutant
Clear TRI Land Release Amount selection. TRI Land Release Amount
Clear Has TRI ID selection. Has TRI ID
Clear TRI Reporting Period selection. TRI Reporting Period
Clear CAA Reporter selection. CAA Reporter
Clear TRI Reporting Year selection. TRI Reporting Year
Clear TRI Release Category selection. TRI Release Category
Clear TRI Pollutant selection. TRI Pollutant
Clear TRI Release Amount selection. TRI Release Amount
Clear Has EIS ID selection. Has EIS ID
Clear NEI Reporting Year selection. NEI Year(s)
Clear NEI Emission Category selection. NEI Emission Category
Clear NEI Pollutant selection. NEI Pollutant
Clear NEI Emission Amount selection. NEI Emission Amount
Clear Has GHGRP ID selection. Has GHGRP ID
Clear GHG Reporting Year selection. GHG Reporting Year
Clear GHG Emission Category selection. GHG Emission Category
Clear GHG Emission Amount selection. GHG Emission Amount
Clear Has CAMDBS ID selection. Has CAMDBS ID
Clear TRI On-Site Chemical Release Amount selection. TRI On-Site Chemical Release Amount
Clear TRI Off-Site Chemical Transfer Amount selection. TRI Off-Site Chemical Transfer Amount
Clear TRI Direct Water Discharge Amount selection. TRI Direct Water Discharge Amount
Clear TRI POTW Transfer Amount selection. TRI POTW Transfer Amount
Clear Monitoring Period selection. Monitoring Period
Clear Pollutant(s) selection. Pollutant(s)
Clear Contaminant(s) in Violation selection. Contaminant(s) in Violation (3 years)
Clear Pollutant(s) Have Violations (3 years) selection. Clear Contaminant(s) with Violation in Latest Quarter selection. Pollutant(s) Have Violations (3 years) Contaminant(s) with Violation in Latest Quarter
Clear Health-Based Violations. Health-Based Violations
Clear Lead Action Level Exceedances in last 5 years. Lead Action Level Exceedances in Last 5 Years
Clear Copper Action Level Exceedances in last 5 years. Copper Action Level Exceedances in Last 5 Years
Clear Lead and Copper Violations in last 5 years. Lead and Copper Violations in Last 5 Years
Clear Pollutant Category selection. Pollutant Category
Clear CAS Number(s) selection. CAS Number(s)
Clear Parameter(s) selection. Parameter(s)

Demographic Profile

Clear Percent Minority (3-mile radius) selection. Percent Minority (3-mile radius)
Clear Population Density selection. Population Density
Clear EJ Indexes Above 80th Percentile selection. EJ Indexes Above 80th Percentile
Clear Low Income selection. Low Income

Annual Report

Clear Biosolids Annual Reporter selection. Biosolids Annual Reporter
Clear Facility ID Number(s) selection(s). Facility ID Number(s)
Clear State selection. State
Clear Annual Amount of Biosolids Generated selection. Annual Amount of Biosolids Generated
Dry Metric Tons
Clear Biosolids Management Practice Type selection. Biosolids Management Practice Type
Clear Biosolids Management Practice Detail selection. Biosolids Management Practice Detail
Clear Biosolids Violation Type (3 years) selection. Biosolids Violation Type
Clear Biosolids Violation Code (3 years) selection. Biosolids Violation Code

Compliance Status Information

The Compliance Status search offers flexibility in finding facilities with particular types of violations. Program system-generated statuses are categorized in the "basic" view and listed individually in the "advanced" view. To switch between the two views, click the "View More/Less Options" toggle above the search form. Users may search on more than one compliance status. To search on multiple compliance statuses, select one value at a time from the dropdown list.

All Data Caveats

Missouri's CWA data problem is related to Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) that are reported on time by regulated facilities but are not transferring properly into the program data system (ICIS-NPDES), causing those facilities to appear to have not reported.

Nebraska's CWA data problem is related to facilities appearing in ECHO as noncompliant for failing to submit expected DMRs, which may or may not be the case. The state agency is working with EPA to resolve this issue.

North Carolina's CWA data problem is related to the incomplete upload of DMR data from the state’s data management system to ICIS-NPDES, causing facilities that have satisfied permit reporting requirements to be depicted in ICIS and ECHO as having incomplete or deficient monitoring and reporting.

Pennsylvania's CWA data problem is related to discharge monitoring and compliance data that is not correctly transferring into EPA’s program data system (ICIS-NPDES). Therefore, some facilities may be incorrectly flagged as non-compliant in ECHO reports.

Vermont’s CWA data problem is related to the incomplete upload of Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data from the state’s Wastewater Inventory data management system to EPA's ICIS-NPDES system, causing facilities that have satisfied permit reporting requirements to be depicted in ICIS and ECHO as having incomplete, deficient or in some instances no monitoring and reporting data.

Washington's CWA data problem is related to a small number of facilities appearing in ECHO as noncompliant for failing to submit expected DMRs, which may or may not be the case. Users should verify these data with Washington Ecology via the PARIS permit database prior to using it for any intended purpose.

West Virginia's CWA data problem is related to data flow errors causing some facilities to be flagged inaccurately as Significant/Reportable Noncompliers (SNC or RNC) in the national program system, ICIS-NPDES. Users should verify these data with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection prior to using it for any intended purpose.

Wisconsin's CWA data problem is related to issues affecting the upload of data to the national program system ICIS-NPDES. Discharge Monitoring Report and facility compliance status data displayed on ECHO may not be accurate. Specifically, facilities may appear to be in noncompliance for failing to submit required discharge monitoring reports, which may or may not be the case. Users are encouraged to contact the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to verify the compliance status of a facility prior to taking action based upon the data obtained from ECHO.

Drinking Water Data Caveat

Drinking water data displayed on ECHO are not real-time data. Violation and enforcement data are reported quarterly to the data system of record no later than the quarter following the quarter in which the events occur. Water systems, states and EPA use this additional quarter to verify that the data they are reporting are accurate and complete. Some states have more recent data available on their websites. Questions about current drinking water quality in your community can be answered by your local public water system.

Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Resources and FAQs

Counties Served Caveat

Data on counties served may be incomplete and have not been quality assured.

Water Data Caveats

Missouri's CWA data problem is related to Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) that are reported on time by regulated facilities but are not transferring properly into the program data system (ICIS-NPDES), causing those facilities to appear to have not reported.

Nebraska's CWA data problem is related to facilities appearing in ECHO as noncompliant for failing to submit expected DMRs, which may or may not be the case. The state agency is working with EPA to resolve this issue.

North Carolina's CWA data problem is related to the incomplete upload of DMR data from the state’s data management system to ICIS-NPDES, causing facilities that have satisfied permit reporting requirements to be depicted in ICIS and ECHO as having incomplete or deficient monitoring and reporting.

Pennsylvania's CWA data problem is related to discharge monitoring and compliance data that is not correctly transferring into EPA’s program data system (ICIS-NPDES). Therefore, some facilities may be incorrectly flagged as non-compliant in ECHO reports.

Vermont’s CWA data problem is related to the incomplete upload of Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data from the state’s Wastewater Inventory data management system to EPA's ICIS-NPDES system, causing facilities that have satisfied permit reporting requirements to be depicted in ICIS and ECHO as having incomplete, deficient or in some instances no monitoring and reporting data.

Washington's CWA data problem is related to a small number of facilities appearing in ECHO as noncompliant for failing to submit expected DMRs, which may or may not be the case. Users should verify these data with Washington Ecology via the PARIS permit database prior to using it for any intended purpose.

West Virginia's CWA data problem is related to data flow errors causing some facilities to be flagged inaccurately as Significant/Reportable Noncompliers (SNC or RNC) in the national program system, ICIS-NPDES. Users should verify these data with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection prior to using it for any intended purpose.

Wisconsin's CWA data problem is related to issues affecting the upload of data to the national program system ICIS-NPDES. Discharge Monitoring Report and facility compliance status data displayed on ECHO may not be accurate. Specifically, facilities may appear to be in noncompliance for failing to submit required discharge monitoring reports, which may or may not be the case. Users are encouraged to contact the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to verify the compliance status of a facility prior to taking action based upon the data obtained from ECHO.

Industrial Stormwater Data Caveats

U.S. EPA 2015 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) data shown in the ECHO Facility Search Results table only includes data from Notices of Intent (NOIs), No Exposure Certifications (NOEs), and Annual Reports submitted electronically through the legacy system before March 31, 2018. EPA is working toward providing access to reports submitted after March 31, 2018, via ECHO. Data related to benchmark limits remains current.

Biosolids Data Caveat

Biosolids are nutrient-rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment facility. When treated and processed, these residuals can be recycled and applied as fertilizer to improve and maintain productive soils and stimulate plant growth. For more information about biosolids, please visit: https://www.epa.gov/biosolids.

ECHO's Biosolids Universe

  • NPDES ID has a Biosolids permit component,
  • NPDES ID has an "L" as the third character,
  • NPDES ID has a Biosolids violation,
  • NPDES ID has a Biosolids official or unofficial inspection, or
  • NPDES ID has a Biosolids formal or informal enforcement action.

Biosolids Annual Report Data Caveat

The ECHO Biosolids Annual Report search is limited to only the NPDES IDs that submitted annual reports, which does not represent the entire biosolids universe. Biosolids annual report data shown in the results table only include reports submitted electronically after March 31, 2018.

Facility Characteristics Search Criteria Note

Select a value for either Facility Type Indicator or Owner/Operator. Selecting a value from one of these criteria will reset the other to “No Restrictions.”

For more information, see Facility Search Criteria Help.

MSGP Annual Report

MSGP annual reports are only submitted for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activity located in areas where EPA is the permitting authority.

MSGP NOIs and NOEs Search

Includes Notices of Intent (NOIs) and No Exposure Certifications (NOEs) under the U.S. EPA 2015 Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) submitted as of April 1, 2018. Results will only include new activity with the national NPDES eReporting Tool (NeT-MSGP) for U.S. EPA lead and participating states and tribes.

Pollutant Data Caveat

Pollutant criteria information can be used to further refine a subset of facilities. Note, however, that the corresponding enforcement and compliance data presented are applicable to the facility as a whole and are not necessarily related to the pollutant(s) selected.

Environmental Justice Indexes Above 80th Percentile

This option selects facilities located in Census block groups with an 80th or higher national percentile of one or more of the primary environmental justice (EJ) indexes of EJSCREEN, EPA's screening tool for EJ concerns. EPA uses these indexes to identify geographic areas that may warrant further consideration or analysis for potential EJ concerns. Note that use of this filter does not designate an area as an "EJ community" or "EJ facility." EJSCREEN provides screening level indicators, not a determination of the existence or absence of EJ concerns. For more information, see the EJSCREEN home page.

Biosolids Violation Caveat

Violations reported on the Biosolids Annual Report are not updated with the weekly data refresh and may not be representative of a facility's recently submitted or updated report.

Watershed Information

Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs) are 2- to 12-digit hierarchical units that delineate surface water resources within a geographic area. To identify an appropriate HUC near you, see Locate Your Watershed Exit.

To search, enter a code or watershed name, respectively, to view and select the HUCs matching your term from the dropdown. For more information, see Facility Search Criteria Help.

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