Farm Programs

Farm Programs

The Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs (DAFP) is responsible for overseeing and implementing policies and procedures that regulate the delivery of federal farm programs. FSA farm programs help agricultural producers manage market risks, recover from disasters, and conserve and protect America's natural resources. 

DAFP administers major portions of the farm bill including FSA's commodity price support activities (commodity loans and loan deficiency payments) and the Direct and Counter-cyclical Program, which provide vital income support to that nation's farmers and ranchers. Also, DAFP is responsible for other programs such as the Conservation Reserve Program, the nation's largest private lands conservation program covering 35 million acres, the "tobacco buy-out," the Non-insured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) and a variety of other disaster programs. 

The Farm Programs Division carries out its responsibility through three major program areas, which are the: 

  • Production, Emergencies & Compliance Division;
  • Price Support Division; and
  • Conservation & Environmental Programs Division. 

DAFP also oversees FSA's Aerial Photography Field Office in Salt Lake City, Utah.

DAFP depends on feedback and participation of state and county FSA committees and field office employees for the successful development of program policies and procedures.