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Citizenship Public Education and Awareness Campaign

The Citizenship Public Education and Awareness Campaign promotes awareness of the rights, responsibilities, and importance of U.S. citizenship, and the free citizenship preparation resources available to lawful permanent residents (LPRs) and immigrant-serving organizations. The goals are to:

  1. Invite LPRs to learn more about U.S. citizenship.

  2. Ensure that LPRs and stakeholders have access to official, trusted sources of information through USCIS and community-based channels.

  3. Provide those on the path toward citizenship with referrals and access to quality direct service providers.

Learn About U.S. Citizenship (English video PSA) Can air only on donated media.

How Organizations Can Support the Campaign

Community organizations can support the campaign in a number of ways. Several possibilities include:

  • Placing a widget on your organization's website.

  • Linking to the campaign's available resources on your organization’s website.

  • Uploading video PSAs on your organization’s website. See use restrictions.

  • Placing print advertisements (posters) in office waiting areas, classrooms, community centers, educational facilities, and other visible areas.

  • Using print advertisements (posters) at citizenship outreach events supporting LPRs.

  • Distributing campaign informational flyers to the public.

  • Referring clients to the Citizenship Resource Center.

  • Registering for one free copy of the USCIS Civics and Citizenship Toolkit and utilizing its contents in citizenship or English language programs.

  • Holding a naturalization information session or workshop and incorporating outreach materials available to you on this web page.

Media Support

USCIS has developed a series of print advertisements, online widgets, radio and video public service announcements (PSAs), and informational flyers for download and use. You must receive approval from the USCIS Office of Citizenship before using radio and video PSAs on donated media. Media organizations can email the Office of Citizenship to request print advertisements, or radio and video PSAs. Please indicate the formats you prefer, your name and contact information, and the name of the media organization you represent.

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15-second video PSA in English. Can air only on donated media.
15-second video PSA in Spanish. Can air only on donated media.
30-second radio PSA in Spanish. Can air only on donated media.
30-second radio PSA in Chinese. Can air only on donated media.
30-second radio PSA in Korean. Can air only on donated media.
This flyer provides information about the eligibility requirements to become a citizen in English and Spanish.  
This flyer provides information about the eligibility requirements to become a citizen in English and Chinese. 
This flyer provides information about the eligibility requirements to become a citizen in English and Korean. 
This flyer provides information about the eligibility requirements to become a citizen in English and Tagalog. 
This flyer provides information about the eligibility requirements to become a citizen in English and Vietnamese.