Reliable Research. Real Results.

The first step in knowing what to do is knowing what works … and what hasn’t.
Learn about CrimeSolutions

What is CrimeSolutions?

CrimeSolutions is a central resource to help practitioners and policymakers understand what works in justice-related programs and practices. Its purpose is to assist in practical decision making and program implementation by gathering information on justice-related programs and practices and reviewing evaluation and meta-analysis research against standard criteria.

Featured Programs and Practices for Trauma-Focused Therapeutic Programs

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools

A cognitive and behavioral therapy group intervention for reducing children’s symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression caused by exposure to violence.

Cognitive-Processing Therapy for Female Victims of Sexual Assault

This is a cognitive therapeutic program that is intended to assist female victims of sexual assault with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET)

This is a trauma-focused psychotherapy program for those suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

Programs (see reuse policy).

A Program is a specific set of activities carried out according to guidelines to achieve a defined purpose. Program profiles on CrimeSolutions tell us whether a specific program was found to achieve its goals when it was carefully evaluated. 

wavebreakmedia/ (see reuse policy).

A Practice is a general category of programs, strategies, or procedures that share similar characteristics with regard to the issues they address and how they address them. Practice profiles tell us about the average results from multiple evaluations of similar programs, strategies, or procedures.

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