About Us

MyPeers: A Collaborative Platform for the Early Care and Education Community

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A Collaborative Platform for the Early Care and Education Community

MyPeers is a virtual learning network where you can brainstorm, exchange ideas, and share resources with early childhood colleagues from across the country. It was created by the Office of Head Start (OHS) to help you connect and learn with people who share your interests and program responsibilities. These informal connections can be a great source of encouragement and insight.

There are more than 40 MyPeers communities! Join as many as meet your roles and interests. Current communities include:

  • American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Language and Culture
  • Child Care Health Consultants
  • Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Practices (CLRP)
  • Directors Corner
  • Disabilities/Inclusion Network
  • PFCE Deepening Practice
  • Economic Mobility for Families
  • Facilities
  • Health, Safety, and Wellness
  • Home Visitors
  • Mental Health Consultation
  • Opioid Misuse and Substance Use Disorders
  • Staff Wellness
  • Teacher Time

Several states and regions also host targeted MyPeers communities.

Watch this webinar to discover ways to minimize face-to-face contact and travel as your program responds to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

The Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center (ECLKC) is still the official information center for OHS, but we hope MyPeers further supports your important work with children and families.

Join or log in now to explore the open communities in MyPeers.

MyPeers: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)