Search Results Help - Biosolids

As described in detail on the primary Search Results Help home page, the Search Results page presents results that meet the search criteria specified. Information and data specific to the Biosolids facility search is described below, including:

Customize the Data Table

ECHO data are initially aggregated at the state, county or ZIP code level when viewing results with the interactive map. The level of aggregation is dynamically scaled based on the number of results returned to maximize the number of points on the map. The following counts are provided:

  • Number of Facilities
  • Facilities in Indian Country
  • Facilities with Current Violations
  • Facilities with Significant Violations 
  • Facilities with Violations (3 years)
  • Facilities with Inspections (5 years)
  • Facilities with Informal Enforcement Actions (5 years)
  • Facilities with Formal Enforcement Actions (5 years)
  • Total Penalties (5 years)

Once 500 or fewer results are found when viewing results with the interactive map, the data table presents facility-level information. When you choose Data Table view from the search form, ECHO displays 500 table rows at a time and additional results are paginated. In Data Table view, total search results are limited to 100,000 or fewer records. An indication of how many results are returned and which set of results are in view is provided at the bottom of the table. Results are presented in tabular format in the data table (sorted by FRS ID by default) and initially include the following columns of data (click on the links below to jump to the Results Guide for detailed descriptions of each):

Several facility reports are accessible from the Reports column by selecting the report icon. Note that the types of reports available for a specific facility will vary based on the application programs or data available. Select the W icon to go to the Biosolids Facility Report. Learn more about ECHO reports through the Reports Legend.

Tip: Sort tabular data by clicking on the column heading. The Reports column cannot be sorted.

You can further manipulate the data presented using either the Customize Columns or Download Data buttons. Click Customize Columns to customize the tabular data to focus on the data most important to you. Data fields available for selection include (click on the links below to jump to the Results Guide for detailed descriptions of each):

Use the Select All link to quickly include all columns for display or use the Clear All link to remove all selections. Note: Facility Name, Mapped, and Reports are always included and cannot be unchecked.

ECHO allows you to download your search results for further analysis. Click Download Data to download tabular data in a comma-separated value (.csv) or XLS formats. Note: XLS format is only available for 10,000 or fewer records and may require several minutes to process.

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Results Guide

Key Terms

"Violation," "noncompliance," "significant noncompliance," and "high priority violation" are all terms used by the ECHO website to describe the facility’s status in regard to compliance with the law. In many cases, these terms reflect determinations made by EPA or states when conducting inspections or reviewing facility self-reports. These determinations assist the government in tracking resolution of violations through the enforcement process and do not necessarily represent a final adjudication by a judicial or administrative body. In such cases, these characterizations should be considered alleged violations.

The search results present data from several EPA data sources. Read About the Data for more information on each data source and when the data were last updated in ECHO.

Data fields included in the search results are described below. The results page field name is listed in bold and the data download file field name is listed [within brackets in italics].

Facility Information

NPDES ID [sourceid]
A unique 9-character ID assigned for each permit within the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. These identifiers are for used tracking purposes in the individual data systems. The ID may contain both letters and numbers and often begins with the two-letter abbreviation for the state in which the facility is permitted.
Mapped [FacMapFlg]
Graphical indicator denoting whether geographical data required to map a facility are available. A gray pin denotes a facility without spatial coordinates.
Reports [Excluded from download]
An indicator of additional ECHO reports that are available and accessible by clicking on the corresponding icons. The Reports Legend provides descriptions of each report icon.
Street Address (Address, City, County [Program System], County [FRS], State, and ZIP Code) [CWPStreet, CWPCity, CWPCounty, FacStdCountyName, CWPState, CWPZip]
Street address, city, county, state, and ZIP code where facility is located, as maintained by each data system. Certain data systems also maintain mailing address information, which is not used in this report. The street address may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information (e.g., use of mailing address), change in ownership, use of parent or subsidiary address, etc. The search logic includes results that match specified address criteria in any source database. The address displayed in the search results table reflects information in the ICIS-NPDES database. 
State District [CWPStateDistrict]
The State Congressional District the facility is located within.
Facility Information (FRS) ID [registryID]
Facility Information included on this page is associated with a particular Facility Registry Service (FRS) ID. FRS uniquely identifies a facility by assigning an identification number (FRS ID), and uses this FRS ID to link together all regulatory program database records (such as permit IDs and facility IDs that facilities use in reporting to EPA).
EPA Region [CWPEPARegion]
The EPA region where the facility is located. EPA has 10 regional offices that execute programs within several states and territories.
Federal Agency Code [FacFederalAgencyCode]
Indicates the federal agency, as classified in FRS. Federal agencies are installations that are owned and operated by the U.S. government. The five character code consists of a letter followed by four numbers. There are four possible letters that can occupy the first character position: 'C' for Civilian Federal Agency; 'D' for Department of Defense; 'E' for Department of Energy; 'X' for Unknown. The second and third characters represent the agency code, while the fourth and fifth characters represent the bureau code.
Federal Agency Name [FacFederalAgencyName]
Indicates the name of the federal agency, as classified in FRS. Federal agencies are installations that are owned and operated by the U.S. government.
HUC (Watershed code)  [facDerivedHuc]
The Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) of the watershed in which the facility resides. A HUC number is assigned to every watershed in the nation and uniquely identifies the watershed.
State County FIPS Code [FacFIPSCode]
The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) code to identify the county that a facility is located in.
FRS Tribal Land Code [FacIndianCntryFlg]
Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located in Indian Country, based on information from the EPA's Facility Registry Service (FRS). Displays “N” if a facility is not located in Indian County.
ICIS Tribal Land Flag [CWPIndianCntryFlg]
Displays “Y” if a facility is flagged as being located in Indian Country, based on information from the EPA's Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS). Displays “N” if a facility is not located in Indian County.
Within Spatial Tribal Boundary [FacIndianSpatialFlg]
Displays “Y” if a facility is located within 25 miles of a tribal spatial boundary as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. Displays “N” if a facility is not located within or near a tribal spatial boundary. Data Quality Caveat.
FRS Spatially Derived Tribe [FacDerivedTribes]
The tribes or tribal territories located within 25 miles of the facility's location. EPA compares the facility location in its Facility Registry Service to the U.S. Census Bureau tribal boundary layer data for tribes in the lower 48 states and Bureau of Land Management Alaska State Office data for tribes in Alaska. The tribal boundary locations identified are suitable only for general spatial reference and do not necessarily reflect EPA's position on any Indian country locations or boundaries, or the land status of any specific location. Data Quality Caveat.
Near US-Mexican Border [FacUSMexBorderFlg]
A "Y" is displayed for facilities within 100 km of the U.S.-Mexico border.
SIC Code [CWPSicCodes]
Indicates the facility’s or permit's primary Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code. The SIC code describes the primary activity of the facility. The first two digits in the code define a major business sector; the last two digits denote a facility's specialty within the major sector. SIC Lookup
NAICS Code [CWPNaicsCodes]
Indicates the facility’s or permit's primary North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code. The NAICS Code has replaced the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. The system was developed to give special attention to developing production-oriented classifications for (a) new and emerging industries, (b) service industries in general, and (c) industries engaged in the production of advanced technologies.
NAICS industries are identified by a 6-digit code. The first two digits represent the Industry sector, in which there exist 20 broad sectors. The third digit represents industry subsector, the fourth digit represents industry group, the fifth digit represents industry, and the sixth digit is U.S., Canadian, or Mexican National specific. 
Latitude/Longitude [FacLat, FacLong]
Displays the latitude and longitude of the facility or permit holder as maintained in the program data system.
Facility Type [CWPFacilityTypeIndicator]
Each National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is defined by the program office as a Major or non-major discharger. This field also indicates the permit type.
Facility Name [CWPname]
Company or permit holder name, as maintained in ICIS-NPDES. The facility name may differ across EPA databases due to differences in reported information, change in ownership, use of parent or subsidiary name, etc.
Owner/Operator [CWPFacilityTypeCode]
The facility owner/operator type. A facility owner/operator type may include:
  • COR - Corporation
  • CNG - County Government
  • DIS - District
  • FDF - Federal Facility (U.S. Government)
  • GOCO - Government Owned/Contractor Operated
  • IND - Individual
  • MXO - Mixed Ownership (e.g. Public/Private)
  • MWD - Municipal or Water District
  • CTG - Municipality
  • NON - Non-Government
  • POF - Privately Owned Facility
  • SDT - School District
  • STF - State Government
  • TRB - Tribal Government
  • UNK - Unknown

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Permittee Name [PermitName]
The name of the permitted entity. This name may differ from the facility name.
Permit Version Number [CWPVersionNmbr]
The version number of the facility's NPDES permit.
Permit Status [CWPPermitStatusDesc]
Full description of the facility's NPDES permit status.
Issuing Agency  [IssuingAgency]
The environmental agency that issued the permit.
Other/State Permit Number[OtherPermitIDs]
The identifier for the permit in the state issuing agency's system, as applicable. This field is the "Other External Permit Number" in EPA's source system.
Permit Type [CWPPermitTypeDesc]
Full description of the facility's NPDES permit classification.
Permit Issue Date [CWPIssueDate]
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit was issued.
Permit Effective Date [CWPEffectiveDate]
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit became effective.
Permit Termination Date [CWPTerminationDate]
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit was terminated.
Permit Expiration Date [CWPExpirationDate]
Date (MM/DD/YYYY) that the permit expires.
Permit Components [PermitComponents]
Indicates the permit component(s) associated with the NPDES Permit Program Area.

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Regulatory Programs

A unique 10-digit ID assigned for each stationary source within the national program database, ICIS-Air.
A unique 12-character ID assigned for each record/permit/site/facility within the RCRAInfo database. This identifier is used to track waste handlers subject to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The ID may contain both letters and numbers and often begins with the two-letter abbreviation for the state in which the facility is permitted.
A unique 9-character ID assigned for each public water system within the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS). The ID may contain both letters and numbers and often begins with the two-letter abbreviation for the state in which the facility is permitted.
A unique 15-character ID assigned for each facility within the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) program. The format is ZZZZZNNNNNSSSSS, where ZZZZZ = ZIP code, NNNNN = the first 5 consonants of the name, and SSSSS = the first 5 non-blank non-special characters in the street address.

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Compliance Status

CWA Compliance Status

A permit-level CWA compliance status is generated after every quarter and then reviewed before becoming "official". Discharge data for the most recent quarter were reported after the last official quarter, and a permit-level compliance status has not yet been generated. Since these data were reported after the last Quarterly Noncompliance Report (QNCR) was issued, they are considered draft and have not been fully quality assured. A QNCR description is provided in the Detailed Facility Report Data Dictionary. Post QNCR data are taken into account for the following results table columns:

  • Current Compliance Status
  • Quarters with Noncompliance (3 years)
  • Current Violation
  • Effluent Violations (3 years)
Biosolids Violation in Last Year [BioVioLastYearFlag]
Displays "Y" if the facility has a biosolids single event violation under the Clean Water Act in the last year. 
Quarters with Biosolids Violations (3 years) [BioQtrsWithVio]
Count of the number of quarters, out of the last twelve quarters, in which the permit or site is considered with violations for biosolids. A quarter is any of the following 3-month calendar periods: January-March, April-June, July-September, or October-December. Further violation and detailed compliance information can be found on ECHO's Frequently Asked Questions page. 
Compliance Status [CWPStatus]
An indication of the facility's current compliance status under the Clean Water Act. The following designations are made:
  • Significant/Category I Noncompliance
  • Violation Identified
  • No Violation Identified
  • Terminated Permit
  • Not Applicable
  • Unknown
Note: This field considers the most current data available, including effluent exceedances reported after the last Quarterly Noncompliance Report (QNCR) was issued; post QNCR data are considered draft and have not been fully quality assured.

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Biosolids Official Inspections (5 years) [CWPBioInspCount]
The number of official inspections/compliance evaluations, under the biosolids program, occurring at the facility within the last five years. The last five years include data from the twenty most recently completed quarters, plus data from the current quarter up until the refresh date. This count only includes inspection types that are counted as inspections in official counts. Biosolids official inspection types include:
  • CEI – Evaluation
  • DSA – Desk Audit
  • SA1 – Sampling
Days Since Last Official Biosolids Inspection [CWPDaysLastBioInsp]
Indicates the number of days since the most recent official biosolids program inspection of the facility. Inspections listed within the last five years are included.
Date of Last Official Biosolids Inspection [CWPDateLastBioInsp, CWPDateLastBioInspEPA, CWPDateLastBioInspAt]
The date on which the most recent official biosolids program inspection of the facility took place. "Date of Last Official Biosolids Inspection (EPA)" and "Date of Last Official Biosolids Inspection (State)" indicate the last inspection date by EPA and the state environmental agency, respectively.

Enforcement Actions

Biosolids Informal Enforcement Actions (5 years) [CWPBioIeaCount]
Indicates the total number of biosolids informal enforcement actions/notices of violations (NOVs) taken against the facility within the last five years. Notices of Violation are activities taken by EPA or the state that often precede a formal administrative or civil/judicial enforcement action. Not all notices of violation are escalated to formal enforcement action for a variety of reasons, including the following: the facility quickly corrects the problem(s) indicated in the notice, the violation is determined to be less severe than originally thought, or consultation between the facility and EPA or the state indicates that a violation has not occurred.
Biosolids Formal Enforcement Actions (5 years) [CWPBioFeaCount]
Indicates the total number of biosolids enforcement actions taken against the facility within the last five years. This count only includes enforcement actions that have been entered in the national program databases: ICIS-Air, ICIS-NPDES, and RCRAInfo. Federal CAA and RCRA enforcement actions that have been entered into ICIS are not included in this section to avoid duplicative counting. (Please note that all actions at NPDES facilities in states using ICIS-NPDES are counted.)
"0" indicates that the database shows no formal EPA or state enforcement actions. Note that enforcement actions that are in process are not publicly available. For more information, continue to check this site for updates (monthly). The relevant state environmental agency also may have additional information. Also note that all violations do not receive formal enforcement actions. Violations that are minor, short in duration, or quickly corrected by the facility may not warrant formal enforcement action.
“NA” indicates that this measure is not applicable for facilities with no associated CAA, CWA, or RCRA permits.
Date Last Biosolids Informal Action [CWPDateLastBioIea]
Indicates the effective date of the most recent listed biosolids informal enforcement action taken against the facility within the last five years.
Date Last  Biosolids Informal Action (EPA) [CWPDateLastBioIeaEPA]
Indicates the effective date of the most recent listed biosolids informal enforcement action taken against the facility by EPA within the last five years.
Date Last Biosolids Informal Action (State) [CWPDateLastBioIeaSt]
Indicates the effective date of the most recent listed biosolids informal enforcement action taken against the facility by a state environmental agency within the last five years.
Date Last Biosolids Formal Action [CWPDateLastBioFea]
Indicates the effective date of the most recent listed biosolids formal enforcement action taken against the facility within the last five years.
Date Last Biosolids Formal Action (EPA) [CWPDateLastBioFeaEPA]
Indicates the effective date of the most recent listed formal enforcement action taken against the facility by EPA within the last five years.
Date Last Biosolids Formal Action (State) [CWPDateLastBioFeaSt]
Indicates the effective date of the most recent listed formal enforcement action taken against the facility by a state environmental agency within the last five years.

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Biosolids Penalties (5 years) [CWPBioPenalties]
The total dollar amount of assessed (or final) biosolids penalties taken against the facility within the last five years under the Clean Water Act. This count only includes penalties that have been entered in the national program database ICIS-NPDES.
Date of Last Biosolids Penalty [CWPDateLastBioPenalty]
Indicates the date on which the most recent assessed (or final) biosolids penalty was taken against the facility within the last five years. This measure only includes penalties that have been entered in the program database ICIS-NPDES.

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Local Water Bodies

CSO Outfalls (ICIS) [CWPCsoOutfalls]
The number of discharge outfalls at points prior to the treatment plant.
State Water Body (ICIS) [CWPStateWaterBodyCode]
HUC or ATTAINS Assessment Unit ID, as entered into ICIS-NPDES. Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs) are assigned by the US Geological Survey and used to classify watersheds in the United States and the Caribbean. The code consists of twelve digits which correspond to six levels of classification:
  • Region (first-level, 2-digit HUC)
  • Subregion (second-level, 4-digit HUC)
  • Accounting unit (third-level, 6-digit HUC)
  • Cataloguing unit (fourth-level, 8-digit HUC)
  • Watershed (fifth-level, 10-digit HUC)
  • Subwatershed (sixth-level, 12-digit HUC)
State Water Body Name (ICIS) [CWPStateWaterBodyName]
The name of the watershed in which the facility resides, as entered into ICIS-NPDES. A watershed is an area that drains or contributes water to a particular point, stream, river, lake, or ocean.
Water Body Most Recent State Assessment (ATTAINS) [AttainsCycleYear]
The year in which the most recent state assessment occurred for the water body. The data are from the ATTAINS database.
Water Body Name (GNIS) [RadGnisName]
The name of the water body from the Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) database in which the facility is permitted to discharge directly. A water body is a geographically defined portion of navigable waters, waters of the contiguous zone, and ocean waters under the jurisdiction of the United States, including segments of rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, coastal waters and ocean waters.
GNIS, developed by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the U.S. Board on Geographic Names, contains information about physical and cultural geographic features in the United States and associated areas, both current and historical (not including roads and highways). The database holds the Federally recognized name of each feature and defines the location of the feature by state, county, USGS topographic map, and geographic coordinates.
Water Body Number (ReachCode) [RadReachCode]
Reach code from the Reach Address Database (RAD) in which the facility may discharge. A reach code is nationally unique and permanent identifier for the water body, assigned by the US Geological Survey.
WBD Hydrologic Unit Code (RAD) [RadWBDHuc12]
Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) from the Reach Address Database (RAD), which is derived from the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset. HUCs are used to classify watersheds in the United States and the Caribbean. The code consists of twelve digits which correspond to six levels of classification:
  • Region (first-level, 2-digit HUC)
  • Subregion (second-level, 4-digit HUC)
  • Basin (third-level, 6-digit HUC)
  • Subbasin (fourth-level, 8-digit HUC)
  • Watershed (fifth-level, 10-digit HUC)
  • Subwatershed (sixth-level, 12-digit HUC)
WBD Hydrologic Unit Name (RAD) [RadHu12Name]
The name of the hydrologic unit in which the facility may discharge, from the Reach Address Database (RAD) and derived from the USGS Watershed Boundary Dataset. A water body is a geographically defined portion of navigable waters, waters of the contiguous zone, and ocean waters under the jurisdiction of the United States, including segments of rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, coastal waters and ocean waters.
WBD Hydrologic Unit Code (FRS) [FacDerivedHuc]
Spatially derived HUC based on the facility's geographic coordinates in FRS. HUCs are used to classify watersheds in the United States and the Caribbean. The code consists of twelve digits which correspond to six levels of classification:
  • Region (first-level, 2-digit HUC)
  • Subregion (second-level, 4-digit HUC)
  • Basin(third-level, 6-digit HUC)
  • Subbasin (fourth-level, 8-digit HUC)
  • Watershed (fifth-level, 10-digit HUC)
  • Subwatershed (sixth-level, 12-digit HUC)
WBD Hydrologic Unit Name (FRS Derived) [FacDerivedWBDName]
The name of the hydrologic unit in which the facility is located within, derived spatially based on the facility's geographic coordinates in FRS. A water body is a geographically defined portion of navigable waters, waters of the contiguous zone, and ocean waters under the jurisdiction of the United States, including segments of rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, coastal waters and ocean waters.
CWA Report (ATTAINS) [AttainsSource]
The CWA Report in which the water body data can be found. EPA recommended approach to integrating water quality conditions data submitted by states under Clean Water Act sections 303(d) and 305(b).  EPA guidance provides recommended organization for states' Integrated Report submittals. The data are from the Assessment TMDL Tracking & Implementation System (ATTAINS) database.
Impaired Water Body (Section 303(d)) (ATTAINS) [CWPImpWaterFlg]
Displays "Y" if the permitted facility discharges directly into category 4 or 5 impaired waters, as designated under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Impaired waters are waters that are too polluted or otherwise degraded to meet the water quality standards set by states, territories, or authorized tribes.
Listed for Impairment (ATTAINS) [AttainsImpWaterFlg]
Displays “Y” if the water body in which the facility resides is listed for impairment. The data are from the ATTAINS database.
Under section 303(d) of the CWA, states, territories, and authorized tribes are required to develop lists of impaired waters. These are waters that are too polluted or otherwise degraded to meet the water quality standards set by states, territories, or authorized tribes. The law requires that states establish priority rankings for waters on the lists and develop Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), for these waters. A TMDL is a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still safely meet water quality standards. For more information about impaired waters or TMDLs, please visit EPA's Clean Water Act Section 303(d) area.
Impairment Class (ATTAINS) [AttainsAuCategory]
The impairment class or category of the water body in which the facility is permitted to discharge directly. The data are from the ATTAINS database.
  • 5. Impaired - TMDL needed. Available information indicates that at least one designated use is not being supported and a TMDL is needed (also known as the 303(d) listed waters).
  • 4. Impaired - TMDL not needed. Available information indicates that at least one designated use is not being supported, but a TMDL is not needed (see subcategories).
  • 4a. TMDL completed. A TMDL has been completed, but impairment still exists.
  • 4b. TMDL alternative. Impairment is being addressed by a method other than a TMDL (e.g., stream bank improvements).
  • 4c. Non-pollutant causes. Cause of impairment is not a pollutant (e.g., habitat destruction). 

Detailed information on the categorization of waters can be found in Section V of the 2006 Integrated Report Guidance.

Causes of Impairment(s) (ATTAINS) [AttainsStateCauses]
Pollutants or stressors that are causing impairment in the assessed water body. These causes describe a greater level of detail than Causes of Impairment(s) by Group(s), and some impairment causes may be associated with several impairment groups. While most of the cause names (such as nutrients or metals) are standard and widely used by all states, others may be unique to a given state. See the state 305(b) report for more information. The data are from the ATTAINS database.
Causes of Impairment(s) by Group(s) (ATTAINS) [AttainsCauseGroups]
The general categories of pollutants or stressors that are causing impairment in the assessed water body, as maintained in the ATTAINS database. The complete list and descriptions of impairment groups are provided in the National Causes of Impairment table.
 Facility Pollutant(s) Potentially Contributing to Impairment (ECHO Derived) [AttainsPossibleNPDESParams]
The pollutants with limits or monitoring requirements in a facility's NPDES permit with the potential to contribute to impairment of local water bodies, based on the water body impairment cause group. EPA compiled a list of pollutants in ICIS-NPDES that may be associated with each ATTAINS impairment cause group. See the Impairment Group Parameter Crosswalk (CSV) (148 K) for the complete list of pollutants.
Aquatic Life Use Designation (ATTAINS) [AttainsAquaticLifeUseFlg]
Displays “Y” if the water body in which the facility resides is designated for aquatic life use. The data are from the ATTAINS database.
Exceptional Use (ATTAINS) [AttainsExceptnlUseFlg]
Displays “Y” if the water body in which the facility resides is designated for exceptional use. The data are from the ATTAINS database.
Recreational Use Designation (ATTAINS) [AttainsRecreatinalUseFlg]
Displays “Y” if the water body in which the facility resides is designated for recreational use. The data are from the ATTAINS database. Please visit EPA’s Recreational Water Quality Criteria webpage for more information.
Shellfish Use Designation (ATTAINS) [AttainsShellfishUseFlg]
Displays “Y” if the water body in which the facility resides is designated for shellfish use. The data are from the ATTAINS database.
Beach Closure Within Last Year (BEACHES) [BeachCloseLastYearFlg]
Displays “Y” if the facility is located on or near a water body with a beach closure within the last year. Visit EPA’s Beach Monitoring and Notification webpage for more information.
Beach Closure Within Two Years (BEACHES) [BeachCloseLast2YearsFlg]
Displays “Y” if the facility is located on or near a water body with a beach closure within the last two years. Visit EPA’s Beach Monitoring and Notification webpage for more information.
Chesapeake Bay Flag (FRS Derived) [ChesapeakeBayFlg]
Displays “Y” if the facility is located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. For information on the Chesapeake Bay restoration program and activities, see the Chesapeake Bay Program Office.

Other Information

EJ Indexes Above 80th Percentile [Over80CountUs]
Indicates the number of primary EJSCREEN environmental justice (EJ) indexes exceeding the 80th or higher national percentile for the Census block group that the facility is located in. EPA uses EJSCREEN as a screening tool to identify geographic areas that may warrant further consideration or analysis. Note that use of this field does not designate an area as an “EJ community” or “EJ facility.” EJSCREEN provides screening level indicators, not a determination of the existence or absence of EJ concerns. For more information, see the EJSCREEN home page.
Population Density (3 mi) [FacPopDen]
The number of persons per square mile in the profiled area. The ratio of total persons (displayed in the Total Persons field) to total land area (displayed in the Land Area field).
Percent Minority (3 mi) [FacPercentMinority]
Percent Minority is the percentage of the population of the given area that is considered minority. The field is calculated by subtracting the number of persons who are white (and not of Hispanic origin) from the total persons. This number is then divided by the total persons and multiplied by one hundred to determine the percentage.
Statistics are shown for the area within a 3-mile radius of each facility. The radius is measured from the best available lat/long coordinate (normally from EPA's Locational Reference Tables - LRT file). Users should be aware that the Demographic Profile is based upon the reported latitude and longitude of the facility or permit holder. Surrounding populations and other statistics were estimated by retrieving the data for Census block groups within three miles of each facility.

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View Facility Summary Information

Once facility-level data are displayed (Data Table view or 500 or fewer results in Interactive Map view), the facility summary panel becomes visible. Upon clicking in a table row (or on a map pin), the Facility Summary panel will expand (or update) to present a brief overview of the selected facility’s compliance information. The facility name and street address are displayed at the top of the panel. A miniature map zoomed in on the selected facility is shown below the name and address.

The following data are presented below the map in the Facility Summary panel:

The facility's Biosolids Facility Report can be accessed by clicking the NPDES Permit hyperlink. The facility's Detailed Facility Report can be accessed by clicking the "More Facility Details" hyperlink on the bottom right of the panel.


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