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December 17, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC Today, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi reiterated the need for an extension of the deadline for state and local governments to spend Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) payments provided by the CARES Act and additional flexibility on how the payments may be spent.

December 15, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. House and Senate officially passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which included key components of Congressman Krishnamoorthi’s resolution language urging the Chinese government to end its military aggression toward India along the Line of Actual Control.

December 10, 2020 Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-8), Congressman Jesús García (IL-4), and Congressman Danny Davis (IL-7) sent a letter to Director Robert Redfield at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) requesting that the CDC extend its eviction moratorium.

warehouse manager shaking hands with warehouse worker

Growing Our Economy & Creating Jobs

Two of my top priorities as a Member of Congress are to grow our economy and to create jobs. To achieve these goals, we need to prioritize supporting our small businesses and invest in our transportation infrastructure.
Wind turbine and blue sky

Protecting Our Environment & Growing The Green Economy

We have a solemn obligation to protect our environment and to take a sustainable approach to managing our natural resources. As the former president of a solar technology company, I know firsthand that the preservation of our air, water, and wildlife for future generations is not only a moral imperative, but also an economic necessity.

Closeup shot of a young man writing on a note pad

Strengthening Education At Every Level

Education is the key to building a middle-class life and a strong American economy. While we must invest in K-12 education and provide our children with the best possible start, it’s also essential that we expand access to affordable, quality education for those going on to four-year colleges and those pursuing career, technical, and vocational education programs or apprenticeships.

A man and woman standing in front of a house

Standing Up For Working Families

Our ability to compete in a global economy depends on a robust middle class. That is why I am committed to supporting policies that will enable the middle class to expand and grow in a 21st-century economy.
A group of women

Supporting Women

America succeeds when women succeed, and we must guarantee that all women are treated fairly in our country.
senior citizens smiling

Keeping Our Promises to Seniors

Retirement security is a pillar of the American dream. Our seniors have worked hard and deserve to live their golden years in dignity. Now is not the time to turn our backs on them by cutting Social Security and Medicare.

soldier saluting the US flag

Honoring Our Commitment To Our Veterans

Supporting our veterans, and ensuring they receive the benefits they've earned, will always be one of my top priorities. Our nation prides itself on our sacred obligation to prepare and equip those we send into harm's way, and to care for them when they come home. It is our job in Congress to fulfill this obligation.

An eagle in front of a flag

Defending The Homeland

The defense and the security of our nation are extremely important to my work in Congress and our country as a whole. America's security impacts every single American and cannot become a partisan issue.