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Law Library Reading Room: The Undo before the Redo – Pic of the Week

For those of you who follow our @LawLibCongress Twitter account, you may already be aware that most everything has been removed from our Reading Room.  Robert and I tweeted many pictures as books and shelves left, using the hashtag #ReadingRoomRedo.

The Law Library has a temporary Reading Room set up on the ground floor of the Madison Building in G-15 while construction takes place.  The Architect of the Capitol now has the keys to our old space and have been hard at work getting everything ready for the new construction.  You can see in the photos below just how much has been removed.

Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

Please come and visit us during the construction.  Here is what our temporary space looks like two floors below in our building.

The Law Library's temporary Reading Room in G-15. Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

The Law Library’s temporary Reading Room in G-15. Photo by the Architect of the Capitol.

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