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Global Legal Monitor: 2014 Year in Review

The Global Legal Monitor (GLM) had a great 2014.  One of the Law Library of Congress premier online sources, the GLM published 431 articles in 2014 covering legal developments around the world, particularly parliamentary acts and court decisions on a variety of issues.

When writing for the Global Legal Monitor, we try to focus on issues that we believe will interest our readers.  One of the ways to gauge this is by looking at which GLM articles attract the most traffic.  By this standard, our readers have a wide range of interests both in terms of geography and areas of law.  This is manifested in the following list of the 15 most viewed GLM articles for 2014 arranged in order of their popularity:

(photo by Chris Carlson)

Globe, 2nd Floor, Main Entrance, Madison Building, Library of Congress. (photo by Chris Carlson)

  1. China: Maternity Leave Extended from 90 Days to 98 Days
  2. South Korea: Permanent Dual Nationality Allowed after 60 Years
  3. Kenya: Parliament Passes Comprehensive Marriage Bill, Changes Process for Contracting Customary Marriages
  4. India: New Anti-Corruption Law
  5. Australia: Former Student Wins Negligence Case Against School for Bullying
  6. U.N. Human Rights Council: First Resolution on Internet Free Speech
  7. Kenya: Parliament Passes Matrimonial Property Bill, Affects Equal Sharing of Assets in Divorce
  8. Taiwan: Law on Food Safety Amended
  9. France: Charter Listing the Rights and Duties of the Citizen
  10. Thailand: Crisis in Thai Rice Pledging Scheme
  11. Japan: New Revenge Porn Prevention Act
  12. Georgia: New Visa and Migration Rules
  13. China: Amendment of Criminal Procedure Law
  14. Indonesia: Universal Health Care Program Implemented
  15. Uganda: Women Judges Voice Concern over Domestic Violence

There are several ways to access the Global Legal Monitor articles.  You can do so by visiting the Law Library website, via email alerts, or subscribing to the RSS feeds.  In addition, you can get updates by following the Law Library twitter account, @lawlibcongress, which often tweets links to GLM articles or by searching the hashtag #GlobalLegalMonitor.

Thank you for reading the Global Legal Monitor.  We will strive to bring you accurate and timely updates on global legal developments in 2015 as they happen.

One Comment

  1. Dee Stonewall
    December 30, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    Great website. Thanks.

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