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Fort Meade Delivers, or Finding a Needle in this Haystack Couldn’t be Easier

The other day I visited the Library of Congress’ High Density Storage Facility at Fort Meade, Maryland.  Yes, that’s right; we are shelving books in Maryland.  With 2.65 million volumes in the Law Library, you don’t really believe we shelve them all in the sub-basement of the Madison building, do you? This Library of Congress […]

U.K. Extradition Arrangements with the U.S. Under Review

Britain’s coalition government announced in September that, pursuant to a pledge in its Programme for Government,  it is conducting a review of the U.K.’s extradition arrangements.  The review will be led by a retired Law Lord, who  presided over the inquiry into the death of Princess Diana, and two independent lawyers with expertise in extradition […]

Guide to Law Online

As you might have seen in previous posts on our blog, the Law Library offers a portal of Internet sources of interest to legal researchers called the Guide to Law Online.  The Guide is an annotated list to sources of information on government and law freely available online that has been prepared by the Law […]

Pic of the Week

We’ve been thinking about new ways to show you more of the inside of the Law Library of Congress through our blog.  What better way than through pictures? This kicks off the first of our new Pic of the Week series.  I see this sign multiple times a day, and it always confused me as […]

OI! YOU THERE: Bobbies and Guns

In keeping with the firearms theme of the past few weeks, I thought it would be remiss of me to discuss the laws relating to the ownership and possession of firearms by the general public and exclude those under which England’s “Bobbies” (the police) must operate.  It is true that police in England and Wales […]

Copyright and Audio Archiving

As part of my job working on our Facebook page and Twitter account, I try to monitor what people are saying about the Law Library of Congress.  Sometimes it’s really interesting to see what pops up. While searching the words Law Library of Congress on Twitter, I keep seeing links to items like this Switched […]

Global Legal Resource Room

In addition to the Law Library Reading Room, the public can also access legal materials in our Global Legal Resource Room.  This space was established to provide a secure area for our 16,250 volume foreign law reference collection.  The Resource Room is located in our administrative offices as the primary users of this collection are […]