Alcohol as a Target for Cancer Prevention and Control: Research Challenges

December 18, 2020
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. EST

This webinar will introduce NCI’s interest, investment and activities in alcohol and cancer research and a panel of experts will discuss scientific evidence gaps related to the role of alcohol across the cancer continuum. Specifically, the webinar will summarize what is known and what we need to know in cancer etiology, patient care and survivorship, policies, and communication relevant to alcohol as a target for cancer prevention and control. 

There will be ample time for audience questions and comments as NCI seeks to further understand and support research on the epidemiology and biology of alcohol and cancer risk and prognosis, effects of alcohol use during and after cancer treatment, and individual and policy level interventions focused on reducing the burden of cancer caused by alcohol.

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William P. Klein, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Behavioral Research Program
National Cancer Institute
Susan M. Gapstur, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Epidemiology Consultant
Tiffin, Iowa
Kevin Shield, Ph.D.
Head, Collaborating Centre in Addiction and Mental Health
Pan American Health Organization
Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
Noelle LoConte, M.D.
Associate Professor
Division of Hematology, Medical Oncology and Palliative Care
Department of Medicine
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Timothy Naimi, M.D., M.P.H.
Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research
Courtney Scherr, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication Studies
Northwestern University



Last Updated
December 18, 2020