
Below are printable forms used by the Office of Arbitration. Note that for requesting a panel of arbitrators, submission of the online version (as opposed to the printable version below) is preferred and also less expensive.  To use the online system to file electronically, please complete the Online Panel Request.  Once this form is filed electronically, do not fax or mail a copy to FMCS. The data will have been captured. Questions or problems? You may call us at (202) 606-5111 for assistance.

The fee for requesting a panel is $70 unless the request is processed via our online system at; if using the online system, the fee as of May 20 is $35.

To fax your panel request:  202-606-3749 (Some older fax machines may not be able to send faxes to this number.  If this is the case, please email your attachment to

* PDF files require Acrobat Reader. If you don’t have Acrobat, download it here.  Most modern browsers including Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome will not open these PDF forms. They must be downloaded first.

Resource Description
pdf icon Fillable Request for Arbitration Panel [Form R-43] Parties may use this form to request an arbitration panel. You may fill out this form and print it out.  Please note that this is not the preferred electronic filing.  You must use the online system to file electronically.

Please note that the geographic designations have changed.

A “regional” designation is still based on this map of regions . A “sub-regional” designation means the panel will be drawn from among arbitrators with an office address within 250 miles of the site of the dispute. A “metropolitan” designation means the panel will be drawn from among arbitrators within 125 miles if you submit using this PDF form. If you use our online system, you can also select a metropolitan panel from within 60 miles of the dispute.