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District Demographic
Dashboard 2014–18
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kids reading with a bar graph made of colored pencils over top
Total Population
{{data.TotalPopulation | number}}Not available
Median Household Income
${{data.MedianHouseholdIncome | number}} Not available
Total Households
{{data.TotalHouseholds | number}}Not available


Not available

was Built
{{data.Built2000Up | number}}%
Not available 2000 and after
{{data.Built19702000 | number}}%
Not available 1970-1999
{{data.BuiltPrior1970 | number}}%
Not available before 1970
Households with Broadband Internet {{data.Broadband | number}}% Not available

Housing Structure Type
{{data.UnitHouse | number}}%Not available
{{data.UnitApt | number}}%Not available


Children in Public School
ACS-ED data for children and parents are not available for this district due to insufficient sample size.

Language spoken at home (children 5 years and over)


{{data.Under18Disability | number}}% Not available
with a Disability

{{data.Under18HealthCare | number}}% Not available
with Health Insurance coverage

Poverty and Benefits (in the past 12 months)
no money

{{data.BelowPoverty | number}}% Not available Families with income below the poverty level

{{data.FoodStamps | number}}% Not available Families with Food Stamp/SNAP benefits

Households by Type

Not available
Not available
Female householder, no husband present
Not available
Male householder, no wife present
Parents (of children in public school)
Median Income of Households
${{data.ChildMedianHouseholdIncome | number}}
Housing Status of Families
{{data.RenterOccupied | number}}% renter-occupied {{data.OwnerOccupied | number}}% owner-occupied

Employment Status

Click "In labor force" slice to see a detailed breakdown of occupations in labor force.

Educational Attainment

For additional social and economic characteristics, visit the ACS-ED table collection or explore the ACS-ED interactive mapACS-ED maps.

Children enrolled in public school are defined as the population ages 3-17 and those ages 18 & 19 who have not graduated from high school and report attending public school in the past 3 months. Subject definitions are available in the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey program documentation.