About TARP

 Oversight and Accountability

TARP has been subjected to unprecedented oversight since its inception. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 (EESA) gave oversight authority to four separate entities: the Financial Stability Oversight Board (FinSOB); the Government Accountability Office (GAO); the Special Inspector General for TARP (SIGTARP); and the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP), which ceased operations on April 3, 2011, as required by EESA.

Treasury prepares financial statements for TARP, which are audited by the GAO on an annual basis. Since its inception, TARP's financial statements received unqualified (clean) audit opinions and clean separate reports on internal control over financial reporting, and there were no material weaknesses reported in any of the opinions or reports—unprecedented achievements for a start-up operation of this scale. As a result of these efforts, the Office of Financial Stability received two consecutive Certificates of Excellence in Accountability Reporting (CEAR) from the Association of Government Accountants.

These financial statements along with extensive information about the programs can be reviewed in the Reports section. In addition, Treasury regularly provides comprehensive information to the public to help American taxpayers better understand the status of our programs. These reports are all included in the reports section.

Finally, Treasury posts on this website every TARP investment agreement and contract, all program guidelines and application materials, procurement contracts, and other materials pertaining to TARP programs.


Responses to Oversight Reports that were not Published in the Reporting Process 


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Last Updated: 2/20/2020 6:15 PM