Biing-Hwan Lin

Biing-Hwan Lin

Senior Economist


Biing-Hwan Lin joined ERS in 1991 to conduct research on agricultural pesticide use. Currently, Biing is in the Diet, Safety, and Health Economics Branch of the Food Economics Division. He conducts research on food consumption, diet, and health, with a focus on low-income populations. He is an expert on USDA's food consumption survey data.


Before joining ERS, Biing was an Associate Professor at the University of Idaho and an Assistant Professor at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. His past research areas include fishery management, international trade, and food demand.


Biing holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from Oregon State University, an M.S. in Agricultural and Resource Economics from Oregon State University, and a B.S. in Agricultural Economics from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan.

Selected Publications

Lin, B.H., D.S. Dong, A. Carlson, and I. Rahkovsky. 2017. "Potential Dietary Outcomes of Changing Relative Prices of Healthy and Less Healthy Foods: The Case of Ready-to-Eat Breakfast," Food Policy 68:77–88, April. online February: http:/ 

Lin, B.H., T. Anekwe, J. Buzby, and J. Bentley. 2016. U.S. Food Commodity Availability by Food Source, 1994-2008, ERR-221, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.

Beatty, T., B.H. Lin, and T. Smith. 2014. "Is Diet Quality Improving? Distributional Changes in the United States, 1989-2008," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(3):769-789.

Mancino, L., J. Todd, J. Guthrie, and B.H. Lin. 2014. "Food Away From Home and Childhood Obesity," Current Obesity Reports 3(4):459-469.

Lin, B.H., M. Ver Ploeg, T. Kasteridis, and S. Yen. 2014. "The Roles of Food Prices and Food Access in Determining Food Purchases of Low-Income Households," Journal of Policy Modeling 36(5):938-952.

Lin, B.H., J. Guthrie, I. Rahkovsky, C. Lin, and J. Lee. 2014. "Simulating the Potential Effects of a Shelf-Tag Nutrition Information Program and Pricing on Diet Quality Associated with Ready-to-Eat Cereals," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 17(Special Issue A):7-24.

Rahkovsky, I., B.H. Lin, C. Lin, and J. Lee. 2013. "Effects of the Guiding Stars Program on Purchases of Ready-to-Eat Cereals with Different Nutritional Attributes," Food Policy 43(6):100-7.

Lin, B.H., M. Wendt, and J. Guthrie. 2013. "Impact on Energy, Sodium and Dietary Fiber Intakes of Vegetables Prepared at Home and Away from Home in the USA," Public Health Nutrition 16(11):1937-43.

Lin, B.H., T. Smith, J. Lee, and K. Hall. 2011. "Measuring Weight Outcomes for Obesity Intervention Strategies: The Case of a Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax," Economics & Human Biology 9(4):329-341.

Chang, H., D. Just, and B.H. Lin. 2010. "Smoking, Drinking, and the Distribution of Adult Body Weight," The Social Science Journal, online March.

Lin, B.H., S. Yen, D. Dong, and D. Smallwood. 2010. "Economic Incentives for Dietary Improvement among Food Stamp Recipients," Contemporary Economic Policy, online February.

Mancino, L., J. Todd, and B.H. Lin. 2009. "Separating What We Eat from Where: Measuring the Effect of Food Away from Home on Diet Quality," Food Policy 34(6):557-562, December.

You, W., G. Zhang, B. Davy, A. Carlson, and B.H. Lin. 2009. "Food Consumed Away From Home Can be a Part of a Healthy and Affordable Diet," Journal of Nutrition and Education 139(10):1994-1999, October.

Lin, B.H., S. Yen, C. Huang, and T. Smith. 2009. "The U.S. Demand for Organic and Conventional Fresh Fruits: The Roles of Income and Price," Sustainability 1(3):464-478, August. 

Ver Ploeg, M., H. Chang, and B.H. Lin. 2008. "Over, Under, or About Right: Misperceptions of Body Weight Among Food Stamp Participants," Obesity 16(9):2120-2125, September. 

Lin, B.H., and S. Yen. 2008. Consumer Knowledge, "Food Label Use and Grain Consumption in the U.S," Applied Economics 40(1):437-448, February.

Yen, S., and B.H. Lin. "A Sample Selection Approach to Censored Demand Systems," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(3):742-749, August 2006.

Fox, M., W. Hamilton, and B.H. Lin. 2004. Effects of Food Assistance and Nutrition Programs on Nutrition and Health: Vol. 4, Executive Summary, FANRR-19-4, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, November.

Lin, B.H., C. Huang, and S. French. 2004. "Factors Associated with Women's and Children's Body Mass Index by Income Status," International Journal of Obesity 28(2):536-42, February.

French, S., B.H. Lin, and J. Guthrie. 2003. "National Trends in Soft Drink Consumption among Children and Adolescents Age 6 to 17 Years: Prevalence, Amounts and Sources, 1977/1978 to 1994/1998," Journal of the American Dietetic Association 103(10):1326-31, October.

Yen, S., B.H. Lin, and D. Smallwood. 2003. "Quasi and Simulated Likelihood Approaches to Censored Demand Systems: Food Consumption by Food Stamp Recipients in the United States," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(2):458-78, May.

Lin, B.H., J. Variyam, J. Allshouse, and J. Cromartie. 2003. Food and Agricultural Commodity Consumption in the United States: Looking Ahead to 2020, AER-820, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, February.

Guthrie, J., and B.H. Lin. 2002. "Role of Food Prepared Away From Home in the American Diets, 1977-78 Versus 1994-96: Changes and Consequences," Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 34(3):140-150, May-June. 

Huang, K., and B.H. Lin. 2000. Estimation of Demand and Nutrient Elasticities from Household Survey Data, TB-1887, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, August.

Lin, B.H., J. Guthrie, and E. Frazao. 1999. Away-From-Home Foods Increasingly Important to Quality of American Diet, AIB-749, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, January.