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Congress.gov New, Tip, and Top for September 2019, Part 2

Andrew brought us the last Congress.gov update at the beginning of September. That update included the ability to search the Committee Schedule from the global “All Sources” search option, a new look for the appropriations table, and the addition of Law Library of Congress reports to the homepage.

With this release, we are bringing you more updates to the Congressional Committee Schedule. Legislation pages will now link an associated committee meeting pages from the overview box. In response to user requests, the weekly Committee Schedule now has a compact/expanded view option. Chamber of Origin, House, Senate, and Joint Committee filters are now available to limit results on Committee Schedule pages.

A link from the overview box on a legislation page to a committee meeting.

A link from the overview box on a legislation page to a committee meeting.

Enhancements for September 2019, Part 2

Enhancement – Legislation – Committee Meeting Links

  • Bill detail pages link to associated committee meetings on the Committee Schedule.

Enhancement – Committee Schedule – Display Options

  • Weekly view of the Committee Schedule allows you to toggle between a compact or expanded view.

Enhancement – Committee Schedule – Filters

  • Weekly and daily views of the Committee Schedule have filters to limit meetings by chamber or committee.

Search Tip

If you are researching U.S. constitutional law, you will want to start with the Constitution Annotated, a document written by the Congressional Research Service that summarizes Constitution provisions and the leading United States Supreme Court decisions that interpret them. A new Constitution Annotated site was launched this month that significantly enhances the user experience by making the site easier to search and browse.

The Constitution Annotated.

The Constitution Annotated.

Most-Viewed Bills

Below are the most-viewed bills for the week of September 22, 2019. All are from the 116th Congress.

1. H.R.1044 Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019
2. S.386 Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019
3. H.R.3289 Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019
4. S.Amdt.939 S.Amdt.939 to H.R.1044
5. H.R.8 Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019
6. S.1838 Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019
7. S.1790 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020
8. H.R.2500 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020
9. H.R.5 Equality Act
10. H.R.1423 FAIR Act

Spanish Legal Documents (15th – 19th Centuries): Briefs

The following is a guest post by Stephen Mayeaux, Legal Information Specialist in the Digital Resources Division at the Law Library of Congress, in collaboration with Dante Figueroa, Senior Legal Information Analyst at the Law Library of Congress. During this celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, we bring you the latest—and by far the largest—update from our Spanish […]

Federal Courts, Judge Gerhard Gesell, and the Security State

This following is a guest post by Ryan Reft, a historian of the modern United States focusing on domestic policy and law in the Manuscript Division at the Library of Congress. Ryan previously contributed two other posts to In Custodia Legis - Simon Sobeloff and Jewish Baltimore and Rights and Resistance: Civil Liberties during World War […]

An Interview with Angela Kinney, Chief of the African, Latin American & Western European Division of Library Services

Today’s interview is with Angela Kinney. Angela is the Chief of the African, Latin American & Western European Division in the Acquisitions & Bibliographic Access Directorate of Library Services. Describe your background I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and raised in a large, happy family that included my parents and eight brothers and sisters. My […]

The Constitution Annotated Is Now Easier to Search and Browse

Constitution Day is tomorrow, but it’s already off to a great start with the release of the Congressional Research Service’s new version of The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation, better known as the Constitution Annotated. The Constitution Annotated allows you to “read about the Constitution in plain English…providing a comprehensive overview […]