Home – About the Program


The San Joaquin River Restoration Program (SJRRP) is a comprehensive long-term effort to restore flows to the San Joaquin River from Friant Dam to the confluence of Merced River and restore a self-sustaining Chinook salmon fishery in the river while reducing or avoiding adverse water supply impacts from restoration flows. Please visit our Background and History page for information on the Settlement and Goals.

The first water releases from Friant Dam in support of the SJRRP, called Interim Flows, began October 1, 2009. Restoration Flows began January 1, 2014. Visit the Interim and Restoration Flows and Flow Monitoring pages for more information.  Photos >>

This web site is administered by the State and Federal Implementing Agencies of the SJRRP.

Below: Adult Chinook Salmon trap and transport, from Thursday, December 15, 2016, ABC News Fresno.  Visit the Data Reporting page for more information on SJRRP Science and Fisheries Reintroduction.