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United States Department of Transportation United States Department of Transportation

Civilian Agencies Cargo

What is Civilian Agencies Cargo?

The Cargo Preference Act of 1954 applies to all government-impelled cargo moving in international ocean trade, specifically "Civilian Agencies" cargo -- all cargo that is:

(1) not covered under the Military Cargo Preference Act of 1904, or

(2) not covered under the Agricultural Food Aid Program.


MARAD's Office of Cargo & Commercial Sealift initiates and recommends regulations and procedures to help civilian agencies stay compliant with civilian cargo preference laws. Program efforts concentrate on working with private sector shippers, suppliers and ocean carriers, as well as applicable civilian Government Agencies, to ensure that all parties comply with the "Ocean Transportation by U.S.-flag Vessels" section of Federal Acquisition Regulations (48 CFR Subpart 47.5).

See our Cargo Preference Laws and Regulations page for guidance on civilian cargo.


For questions about Civilian Agencies cargo, contact the Office of Cargo & Commercial Sealift

Last updated: Monday, August 10, 2020