Public Hearing Election Response to COVID-19 Administering Elections During the Coronavirus Crisis
Apr 22 , 2020
Apr 20 , 2020

April 20, 2020

The hearing is part of the agency’s ongoing efforts to offer additional resources regarding elections and the pandemic


The Commission received presentations on the National Voter Registration Act and received updates on other administrative matters.
The Commission considered accrediting iBeta Quality Assurance and SysTest Labs LLC. to receive federal approval to test voting systems against federal voting system standards and guidelines based upon the recommendations of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as required by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). Important Change: EAC's Next Public Meeting was held in ATLANTA, GA on Wednesday 2/21/07
Commissioners met and held a panel discussion to examine key issues facing election officials and journalists in reporting election results, particularly in competitive states. Some of the topics include: (1) voting systems technology; (2) non-traditional ballots such as provisional and absentee ballots and ballots of military and overseas citizens; (3) time and procedures for getting election results; (4) post-election issues such as recounts and audits; (5) time zones, and more.
The Commission received presentations on Successful Ballot Design, including the Ballot Design Process from Start to Finish; Ballot Design Accessibility, and Usability; and Successful Designs for Optical-scan Ballots, Direct Recording Device Ballots and Paper Ballots.
The Commission received presentations on effective ballot design and effective polling place signage. The Commission received reports on other administrative matters.
Commissioners received updates on the next iteration of the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (VVSG) and a report on a recommendation from the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP); Commissioners considered an internal policy for handling State requests to change State-specific instructions to the National Voter Registration Form; Commissioners have granted a request from Secretary of State of Arizona to make a before the Commission.
Commissioners held a workshop discussion on Preparing for Election Day 2008 and Statewide Voter Registration Databases. Commissioners considered and voted on whether to modify Advisory Opinion 07-003-A, 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort. Commissioners will consider (1) a Draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (2) Draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials, and (3) Proposed Administrative Regulations.
EAC Public Meeting
The Commission received presentations on public comments received for the DRAFT Procedural Manual for Voting System Testing and Certification Program and the proposed final document will be considered for approval. The Commission received presentations from election officials, community interest groups, academicians and technology experts regarding the 2006 election. The Commission elected officers for 2007 and consider other administrative matters.
The Commission met in Denver, CO to review HAVA funds, changes to the state-specific instructions on the National Form, and the proposed UOCAVA voters study.
The Commissioners considered updating MI and LA state instructions on the national voter registration form, (2) adopting the Voter Hotline Study Report and the First Time Voter Study Report, (3) Advisory Opinion 07-003-A regarding Maintenance of Effort (MOE) funding, pursuant to HAVA Section 254 (a) (7). Comments were taken from members of the public who have registered to speak regarding whether to modify Advisory Opinion 07-003-A.
The Commission will receive presentations on the following topic: "Vote Counting and Recounting". The Commission will hear from election officials and election researchers on experiences with recounting and procedures for counting votes. The Commission w
The Commission received updates on the activities of the following: The EAC Standards Board; the EAC Board of Advisors; and the EAC Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC). The Commission considered other administrative matters.
Commissioners considered and voted on Draft EAC Guidance to States Regarding Material Changes to State Plans, the accreditation of CIBER, Inc. and considered a Draft Working Group Policy [formally known as Draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials Regarding Spending of HAVA Funds]. Commissioners discussed revisions to the advisory opinion process and consider other administrative matters.
The EAC met to review contingency planning and security preparations for Election Day; Election Worker Best Practices Competition & National Voter Registration Month.
The Commission met in St. Louis, MO to review research on voter information Web sites and on military and overseas voting by federal, state and local officials.
Commission received briefings on the following: FY2008 Appropriations; EAC Standards Board, EAC Board of Advisors; Technical Development Guidelines Committee; Election Data Collection Grant Program. Commissioners considered and vote on the following: Changes to the National Voter Registration Form; Disclaimer Proposal to State Instructions Portion of the NVRA Form; EAC Organizational Chart. EAC installed new Officers for 2008. The Commission considered other administrative matters.
The Commissioners considered Advisory Opinion 07-003-A and 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort, (2) Adoption of EAC Laboratory Accreditation Program Manual, (3) draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials Regarding Spending of HAVA Funds, (4) Draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (5) draft changes to the TGDC Charter, (6) updating LA, MI, VT state instructions on the national voter registration form, and (6) other administrative matters.
The Commission received the following reports: Title II Requirements Payments Update; and updates on other administrative matters. The Commission will receive presentations on the following topics: Implementation of the EAC Voting System Certification Program.
The Commission received an update on the Interim Voting System Laboratory Accreditation Program; The Commission considered (1) terminating the interim program and received an update on the full Voting System Laboratory Accreditation Program; (2) received an update on the EAC audit process and heard presentations from state officials on their experiences with the audit process; and (3) received a presentation of the research findings regarding voter identification requirements.
Commissioners elected officers for 2009 and considered the a draft working group policy and an EAC strategic plan. Commissioners will receive an Election Day 2008 EAC Activity Report, an update on the 2008 Election Day Survey, and considered other administrative matters. Commissioners held a closed session discussion about the EAC general counsel position.
The Commissioners considered the following items: whether to modify Advisory Opinion 07-003-A regarding Maintenance of Effort (MOE) funding, pursuant to HAVA Section 254 (a) (7); whether to update the Michigan state instructions on the national voter registration form. Commissioners will receive a briefing regarding HAVA State Plans, hold a fact-gathering hearing regarding Iowa's audit appeal, as part of the audit appeal process established by the Commission, and other administrative matters.
The Commission received presentations on developing management guidelines for implementing new voting systems and administering elections. The Commission received reports on other administrative matters.
The Commission received presentations on research findings regarding effective ballot designs and effective polling place signage. The Commission received a presentation on the release of a Spanish translation glossary of election terminology. The Commission also considered other administrative matters.
Commissioners held a workshop discussion on Preparing for Election Day 2008 and Empowering Voters, will consider Advisory Opinion 07-003-A and 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort. Commissioners will consider (1) a Draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (2) Proposed Administrative Regulations and receive an Update on Final Administrative Regulations, (3) adoption of the Alternative Voting Methods Study and (4) Best Practices on voting systems for Election Day.
The EAC met to review the 2016 Election and Celebrate 10th Anniversary of Testing & Certification.
The Commission conducted a public meeting and hearing on EAC’s post-election voting system testing and certification program. The Commission also met to consider
Commissioners received an update on HAVA Funding Issues. Commissioners considered and voted on Study on Feasibility of Free Absentee Voting Postage; Study on use of Social Security Information of First Time Voters Who Register to Vote by Mail; Interim Policy for Changes to State Specific Instructions on National Mail Voter Registration Form; Disclaimer Proposal to State Instructions Portion of the NVRA Form. The Commission considered other administrative matters.
The Commissioners considered (1) Advisory Opinion 07-003-A and 07-003-B Regarding Maintenance of Effort, (2) adopting EAC Draft Chapters of the Election Management Guidelines Project, (3) Draft Policy for Joint Partnership Task Force of EAC and State Election Officials Regarding Spending of HAVA Funds, (4) draft Policy for Notice and Public Comment, (5) draft Policy regarding Allocable Cost Principles for HAVA Funding, (6) updating the MD, MI, LA state instructions on the national form.
Aug 16 , 2017
Executive Director’s Report, Organization Update, Cybersecurity Working Group, Announcement of Upcoming 2017 EAC Elections Awards, Payments and Grants Update, Cybersecurity Update from a Local Election Official’s Perspective (Noah Praetz, Cook County Illinois Director of Elections) and IG Report.
Feb 22 , 2016
EAC 1 6 16 Public Meeting verbatim
Feb 22 , 2016
EAC Public Meeting 07 28 15 Draft Minutes
Apr 27 , 2016
EAC Holds Hearing on Voters with Disabilities News Release 4 27 16 final
Mar 30 , 2016
EAC Board of Advisors and Standards Board Meeting April 28 29, 2015 Draft Minutes watermark
Apr 20 , 2016
EAC FACA FR Notice ( Board of Advisors May 4 5, 2016 )
Sep 08 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT Public Meeting 9 8 2016 rev0
Mar 22 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT 3 11 16 SB
Apr 25 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT EAC Hearing April 27 4 25 16
Sep 07 , 2016
1 6 16 EAC Public Meeting Minutes
Sep 21 , 2016
9 8 16 EAC Draft MINS add
Sep 21 , 2016
9 8 16 EAC verbatim
Sep 08 , 2016
EAC Pub Meet 9 8 16 final
Sep 08 , 2016
EAC Pub Meet 9 8 16
Sep 07 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT Public Meeting 9 8 2016 rev
Sep 06 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT Public Meeting 9 8 2016 0
Sep 02 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT Public Meeting 9 8 2016 1
Sep 02 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT Public Meeting 9 8 2016
May 24 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT EAC Public Meeting 5 25 FINAL 1
May 20 , 2016
EAC Sunshine Notice Public Meeting May 25 2016 1 Federal
May 20 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT EAC Public Meeting 5 25 FINAL
May 18 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT EAC Public Meeting 5 25 FINAL
May 18 , 2016
EAC Sunshine Notice ( Public Meeting May 25, 2016 ) 1
Apr 26 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT EAC Hearing April 27 4 26 16
Apr 22 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT EAC Hearing April 27 2016
Apr 22 , 2016
Agenda DRAFT EAC Hearing April 27 2016 revised
Apr 14 , 2016
EAC FACA FR Notice ( Standards Board April 14 15, 2016 ) CORRECTED
Apr 14 , 2016
EAC Sunshine Notice ( Standards Board April 14 15, 2016 )
Dec 22 , 2015
Agenda DRAFT EAC Public Meeting 1 6 15 2
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - January 27, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - October 26, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - June 3, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - May 5, 2004 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Sep 16 , 2010
Public Meeting - February 23, 2005 To see other documents associated with this public meeting, please visit the events page at
Aug 10 , 2017
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission will host a public meeting at 2 p.m. on Wed, Aug. 16. The meeting will include cybersecurity comments from Cook County, Ill. Director of Elections Noah Praetz and a discussion of the commission’s 2016 Election Administration Voting Survey (EAVS) featuring Fors Marsh’s Thad Hall. The meeting will also feature agency updates related to its cybersecurity working group, payments and grants work, upcoming 2017 Election Awards and the latest reports from EAC.