Testifying While Social Distancing
Please read the procedures on how to participate in or testify at Commission meetings while NCPC’s offices are closed to the public.


The Commission takes action at their monthly meetings on plans and projects submitted for review. This section explains how the agency prepares for meetings, how meetings are conducted, and opportunities for the public to participate. Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request. For more information, call 202-482-7200 or email: info@ncpc.gov.

Commission Monthly Meeting Cycle

Submit ProjectTentative AgendaFinal AgendaMeeting
28+ days before meeting 21 days before meeting 8 days before meeting 0 days
Preparation for each Commission meeting begins as projects are formally submitted, typically 30 days in advance.
Various federal, District of Columbia, and other agencies and organizations submit plans and projects to NCPC. These include building and site improvements, parks and open space activities, site acquisition, commemorative works, master plans, antennas, foreign missions, land transfers and intergovernmental referrals. Based on the project type, Commission review may occur at several meetings, as proposals move through concept, preliminary, and final design phases.

The Commission takes an action at each phase; they approve comments at concept design, and provide preliminary, and then final, approval. Commission approval of comments on a concept design or preliminary approval is not approval of the project; projects or plans must receive final approval.

The Commission also reviews and takes action on agency plans, including the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital, and other area and policy plans, such as the Monumental Core Framework Plan. Typically, the Commission will review and provide preliminary approval for a draft plan and establishes a formal public comment period. The Commission will take a final action after receiving public comments and reviewing a revised draft plan.

There are often other opportunities for public input on plans and projects separate from the Commission meeting. NCPC conducts stakeholder and general public meetings as area and policy plans are developed. Applicant agencies may provide their own public information and meetings about their project or plan.

Sometimes, applicants will provide an information presentation to the Commission at an early stage in the process, or as an update during the project development. The Commission does not take an action on information presentations.

Before the Meeting

NCPC staff typically work with applicant agencies in advance of the formal project submission to identify and address project issues and determine the review authority that applies to the project. NCPC’s Submission Guidelines establish what applicants are required or encouraged to submit.

Once an applicant formally submits a project, it begins a review process (typically, 30 days) that culminates at the Commission meeting. A staff person is assigned to the project, who confirms that the application is complete, reviews the project, and prepares a report and recommendation. A Coordinating Committee of federal and District representatives evaluate projects located within Washington, DC to help identify other review processes or issues. NCPC uses an interagency review process for projects located in Maryland and Virginia to provide comment opportunities for state agencies and local jurisdictions.

In the weeks leading up to the Commission meeting, NCPC provides two agendas, on line and to an email list. The Tentative Agenda provides a first look at projects that may be reviewed at the next meeting and deadlines for the public to sign up to speak or provide written comments. The Final Agenda is available the Friday before the meeting. Projects may be removed from the agenda prior to the meeting or their order may change.
You can sign up to have the agendas delivered to your inbox,
or check out the most current agenda on our website.

Tentative Agenda

A Tentative Agenda for the upcoming Commission meeting and materials for each project are posted on line. The Tentative Agenda classifies projects as Proposed Action Items, Delegated Items, and Exceptions. This classification is preliminary and subject to change prior to the Commission meeting.
  • Action Items are projects that are presented and discussed at the Commission meeting. The public is invited to give testimony on these projects. Projects listed as Proposed Action Items on the Tentative Agenda are moved to the Consent Calendar on the Final Agenda if no speakers have registered by the deadline. The Commission votes on the Consent Calendar Items but does not hear a presentation or public testimony.
  • Delegated Items are projects that the Commission delegates to the Chairman or Executive Director. Some projects listed as Proposed Delegated Items may become Action Items if a member of the public registers to speak on that item by the deadline.
  • Exceptions are types of projects where NCPC staff determines that a project is exempt from Commission review, based on certain criteria. Projects listed as Proposed Exceptions may become Action Items if a member of the public registers to speak on that item by the deadline.

Final Agenda

The Final Agenda and staff recommendations (EDRs) are posted online the Friday before the Commission Meeting. NCPC’s Executive Committee (the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and a Commissioner appointed by the Chairman) set the Final Agenda, determining if projects are Delegated Items or Action Items. Action Items are either on the Consent Calendar or are individually considered and voted on by the Commission following a staff presentation. After the release of the Final Agenda, the public may sign up to speak only on Action Items.
  • Delegated Items are projects that the Commission delegates to the Chairman or Executive Director.
  • Action Items: Consent Calendar are a group of items that the Commission votes on collectively. Presentations are not provided.
  • Action Items with Presentation are individual items that include a staff presentation, Commission discussion and a Commission vote.
  • Information Presentations are included on the agenda. The Commission does not take an action on these presentations, and public testimony is not accepted.

During the Meeting

The Commission meeting proceeds according to the publicly available Final Agenda. Commission meetings are conducted according to adopted by-laws. Robert’s Rules of Order are used.

Commission meeting materials are available online for the public to download or follow online during the meeting. Updates to materials, or testimony submitted by the public, are either provided in hard-copy format at the meeting or posted on-line. The meeting is live-streamed from the NCPC website.

Staff present from the podium on the left (south) side of the Commission Chambers. The public and other presenters use the podium on the right (north) side of the Chambers.

Order of Proceedings

  • Reports The Chairman, NCPC’s Executive Director, and NCPC’s General Council provide reports at the start of the meeting. The Director’s Monthly Report lists all Delegated Items.
  • Action Items: Consent Calendar The Commission votes on the Consent Calendar as one motion. There are no staff presentations for Consent Calendar items. After a motion to adopt the Consent Calendar for all items is seconded, the Commissioners may choose to discuss any item on the Consent Calendar before voting. Staff recommendations (EDRs) are prepared for each Consent Calendar item.
  • Action Items with Presentation The Commission votes on these action items individually. Staff provides a presentation to the Commission, and responds to Commission questions. Public testimony follows the staff presentation. The project applicant may also be invited to provide remarks or respond to Commissioner questions. After a motion on the item is made and seconded, the Commissioners discuss the project and recommendation. Once discussion is complete, Commissioners will act on the project, using the staff recommendation as the basis for their action. Typically, the Commission will approve the project or approve with conditions or comments. The Commission may modify the staff recommendation before taking action. In rare cases, the Commission will not approve a project.
  • Information Presentations NCPC staff will introduce the presenter and describe the relationship of the presentation topic to NCPC’s work. Once the presenter finishes their presentation, the Commission may ask questions either of staff or the presenter. The Commission does not take an action on these presentations, and public testimony is not accepted.

After the Meeting

After the meeting, a Commission Action is prepared for all Action Items. The Commission Action is sent to the applicant and posted on-line. A Memorandum of Actions, listing all reports and Commission Actions, including votes, is prepared and posted on-line.

The Commission Meeting video and official transcript are available online within 3-5 business days of the meeting.

Meeting material covering the last 10 years is on NCPC’s Commission Meeting Archives page. Older material is available through the National Archives.