General Information

Welcome to the Lab

Mark Peters
Mark Peters, Director, INL

On behalf of our outstanding staff, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Idaho National Laboratory.

At INL every day, some of the nation’s finest minds conduct vital research that allows us to sustain and develop nuclear energy technologies, scale other clean energy technologies, protect critical infrastructure, support national defense and homeland security, bolster cyber security, and make sure nuclear materials do not fall into the wrong hands.

Our work at INL is recognized as a critical economic driver and important asset to the state of Idaho. INL is the fifth-largest employer in Idaho with 3,900 employees and more than 350 interns. In 2015, INL had a total business volume of $917.1 million and spent $130 million with Idaho’s small businesses.

INL is committed to being responsive and transparent. As you examine the accompanying materials, tour our facilities and meet our people, ask questions. Our staff is proud of the work they do and eager to enhance your understanding of the many vital projects undertaken daily at this important national asset.

What is INL?

INL is part of the U.S. Department of Energy’s complex of national laboratories. The laboratory performs work in each of the strategic goal areas of DOE: energy, national security, science and environment. INL is the nation’s leading center for nuclear energy research and development.

INL is managed by Battelle Energy Alliance for the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy.

About the Lab

INL is the nation’s lead laboratory for nuclear energy research, development, demonstration and deployment and we are engaged in the mission of ensuring the nation’s energy security with safe, competitive and sustainable energy systems and unique national and homeland security capabilities.

About Eastern Idaho

Experience what it’s like to live and work in eastern Idaho. This video highlights professionals, including several INL employees, working in high-tech industries, enjoying activities and culture in the region.


INL is the site where 52 pioneering nuclear reactors were designed and constructed, including the first reactor to generate usable amounts of electricity. It was here that nuclear-generated electricity first powered an American community.

It was here that the Navy’s nuclear propulsion systems were first demonstrated, and here that sailors and officers were trained on how to operate those systems. Throughout our laboratory’s history, scores of this country’s best and brightest have come to advance the promise of nuclear energy.

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Nuclear Energy Leadership

Just as important as our heritage, the lab’s scientists, engineers and technicians are moving us on to greater accomplishments in nuclear-enabled energy security. We’ve developed the road maps guiding the next generation of nuclear power systems.

We’re leading initiatives to develop next-generation reactor technologies, advanced fuel cycles and space nuclear power systems. And significantly, we’re home to the world’s premier materials test reactor – the Advanced Test Reactor – and its national scientific user facility.

ATR at Sunrise

National and Homeland Security

Beyond our leadership role in nuclear energy, we also make important contributions in the area of national and homeland security. INL scientists and engineers are internationally recognized for their capabilities in critical infrastructure protection and nuclear nonproliferation.

Our 890-square-mile laboratory includes unparalleled assets such as a utility-scale electric power grid for improving grid reliability and security; a wireless communications user facility available for commercial and government-sponsored research; and key capabilities for performing cyber and control system research, explosives impact analysis, armor development and radiological training.


Energy and Environment

In the areas of energy and environment, we’re addressing energy production challenges with contributions in renewable energy integration, transportation transformation, water utilization, energy critical materials, biomass feedstock assembly, and advanced manufacturing.

We will continue to work toward increasing the balance, diversity, efficiency, affordability and acceptability of domestic energy sources.



To enrich and focus this research and development portfolio, INL is committed to collaboration with regional, national and international leaders in academia, industry and government.


As you’ll see when you take a closer look at us by examining the accompanying materials, touring our facilities and meeting our people, we are an important national asset.

We have the proud heritage, terrific people, unmatched capabilities and passion for partnership to fulfill our goal of enhancing our nation’s energy security.