The Federal Capital Improvements Program (FCIP) is an annual collection of funding requests for the construction of new, or renovation of existing, federal buildings and infrastructure. Federal agencies in the National Capital Region submit projects to NCPC for compilation and review. Along with construction projects, federal agencies submit requests for the purchase of buildings or lands. These requests are generally for projects with a life expectancy of more than 25 years. The full cost of capital improvement projects extends from a project's planning through its construction.


The National Capital Planning Act requires that NCPC annually review and recommend a six-year program of regional capital projects. Additionally, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires that all federal agencies consult with NCPC in advance regarding any proposed development or land acquisition in the region. Each federal agency in the region must prepare its submission in accordance with posted instructions and meet the deadlines for submitting program materials. Each fall, NCPC submits the Federal Capital Improvements Program for the National Capital Region to OMB for use in its preparation of the President's annual budget. Through the FCIP, NCPC provides OMB with its planning and funding recommendations for federal public works over a six-year period.

Capital improvement plans provide a link between the visions articulated by comprehensive plans and annual capital expenditure budgets. They allow for a systematic, simultaneous evaluation of potential projects. They also facilitate coordination among the units of government that are responsible for project implementation. A capital improvement is a substantial, nonrecurring expenditure for a physical improvement with a long useful life. Through FCIP preparation and review of capital improvement plans by regional jurisdictions, NCPC coordinates capital improvement planning at federal and local levels.

Key Information

  • Federal Law:
    National Capital Planning Act
    40 U.S. Code § 8723 - Capital Improvements
  • Passed July 19, 1952
  • Federal Guidance:
    Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget
    Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-11
  • July 2016
OMB Circular A-11

Current Process

Each agency must prepare its submission in accordance with the posted instructions and meet the deadlines for submitting program materials. Questions about the Federal Capital Improvements Program should be directed to:

FCIP Reports

FY2020-2025 FCIP Report
FY 2020-2025
FY2019-2024 FCIP Report
FY 2019-2024
FY2018-2023 FCIP Report
FY 2018-2023
FY2016-2021 FCIP Report
FY 2016-2021

Local Programs

As part of its authority to guide the long-range development of the National Capital Region, NCPC reviews capital improvement plans prepared by the primary regional county and city jurisdictions. NCPC identifies whether the plans will create adverse impacts on a federal interest and notifies the respective jurisdiction during the plan's public comment period.

Montgomery County
Prince George's County
City of Alexandria
Arlington County
Fairfax County
Loudoun County
Prince William County

District of Columbia

NCPC has a more specific obligation to review the District of Columbia Multi-Year Capital Improvement Plan (DCCIP). As specified in the National Capital Planning Act, the District submits its six-year plan to NCPC each spring for review. NCPC has 30 days to comment. The DCCIP is occasionally reviewed in two parts, one of which is devoted entirely to District Department of Transportation projects.
