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Overview - Environmental Aspects

Environmental Aspects

When fossil fuels are burned in the production of electricity, a variety of gases and particulates are formed. If these gases and particulates are not captured by some pollution control equipment, they are released into the atmosphere. This section provides a brief summary of the gaseous emissions from U.S. electric utilities and the methods employed to reduce or eliminate their release into the atmosphere.

Among the gases emitted during the burning of fossil fuels are sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Coal-fired generating units produce more SO2 and NOx than other fossil-fuel units for two reasons. First, because coal generally contains more sulfur than other fossil fuels, it creates more SO2 when burned. Second, there are more emissions from coal-fired plants because more coal-fired capacity is used compared with other fossil-fueled capacity.

Sulfur is an element that is present in almost all coal, although some kinds of coal contain more sulfur than others depending on the geographic location of the coal mine and the type of coal being mined. Western coal has less sulfur than eastern coal. More than one-half of the coal mined in the West is subbituminous coal that is low in sulfur content (about 0.5 percent) and contains approximately 9,000 Btu per pound. Bituminous eastern coal can exceed both a 5-percent sulfur content and a heat content of 12,000 Btu per pound. The average percent of sulfur contained in coal ranges from 0.3 percent in the West to approximately 2.5 percent in the East. During combustion, the sulfur combines with the oxygen in the air to form SO2 . As the SO2 mixes further with oxygen and trace substances in the air, a variety of sulfate compounds emerges. How these transformations take place, and in what proportions, is a subject of vigorous research. The behavior of SO2 emissions depends partly on the type of coal used and how it is burned. In addition, the presence of light, moisture, and other pollutants in the atmosphere may also be important in triggering the complex changes that SO2 emissions undergo. To a lesser degree, sulfur is also contained in petroleum and varies according to the type of petroleum (for example, light oil, heavy oil, etc.). Petroleum burned at utility power plants ranges from containing almost no sulfur to about 3.5 percent sulfur. The weighted average percent of sulfur contained in petroleum consumed by utility plants ranges from about .5 percent in western plants to about 1.4 percent for plants in New England. The amount of sulfur contained in natural gas is insignificant.

Nitrogen is a colorless, odorless gas that makes up about 78 percent of the atmosphere. Nitrogen in the atmosphere during the combustion process (burning of fuels at the plant) combines with oxygen and water to form several NOx compounds. Also, a small amount of nitrogen in the coal is converted to NOx . The most important is nitrogen dioxide, one of the compounds that gives photochemical smog its characteristic yellowish-brown color. Only about 10 percent of the nitrogen compounds in the air are the result of human activity. The rest are formed by natural processes, such as the decay of organic matter. However, since the human-made 10 percent is emitted mostly in industrial urban areas, concentration there can become high enough to cause concern. SO2 and NOx are called precursors to acid deposition, because, under the right set of conditions, they react with other chemicals in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid, respectively. These two acids do not accumulate in the atmosphere, but are absorbed by rain droplets, thus cleansing the atmosphere but discharging the acid onto the earth in the form of "acid rain." In addition, sulfuric acid may form microscopic droplets that can be deposited directly onto the ground. This form of deposition, as well as the direct capture of SO2 by vegetation, is referred to as dry deposition.

Carbon Dioxide is a colorless, odorless, nontoxic gas formed by the combustion of carbon and carbon compounds found in coal, petroleum, and gas. Currently, the only way to limit the emission of CO2 when burning fossil fuels is extremely expensive. CO2 is normally removed from the atmosphere by green plants and absorbed by the ocean. The increased use of fossil fuels in recent years, as well as extensive deforestation, has caused a buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. This increase of CO2 causes the atmosphere to absorb infrared radiation reflected from the earth that would otherwise have been dissipated into space. This phenomenon could increase average global temperature. It is called the "greenhouse" effect because it is similar to the trapping of the sun energy in a greenhouse. These potential increases in temperatures are of concern because they could cause significant climatic changes, shifts in agricultural zones, and partial melting of the polar ice caps resulting in flooding of coastal areas. However, significant uncertainties exist regarding global warming, and no conclusions can be drawn regarding future warming based on past temperature records. Efforts are underway to determine what methods can be employed to reduce or eliminate the release of CO2 from power plants. Tail gas cleanup (CO2 scrubbing) is currently the only technological option. This option would require the adaptation by the electric utility industry of acid gas removal technologies used by the petroleum and petrochemical industries. Because of the potential expense involved and the uncertainty concerning the impacts of emissions from the gas, no emission standards or required reductions exist. Additionally, the Department of Energy is developing clean coal technologies (such as pressurized fluidized-bed combustion) for new plants and repowering applications. Due to the increased conversion efficiencies of these technologies, CO2 emissions are reduced.

Emission Standards

To respond to concerns about emissions of SO2 and NOx, as well as several other air pollutants, Congress passed the Clean Air Act (CAA) in 1963. It was not until 1970, however, that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was empowered to set enforceable air quality standards. In 1971, this Agency established New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) that required coal-fired utility boilers built after August 17, 1971, to emit no more than 1.2 pounds of SO2 per million Btu of heat input. Requirements for NOx were more complex, with allowable limits ranging from 0.2 pounds per million Btu to 0.8 pounds per million Btu, depending on the type of fuel burned and the combustion device used. In 1977, Congress amended the CAA to require States to set limits on existing sources in regions not attaining goals established in the Act. In 1979, the EPA established the Revised New Source Performance Standards (RNSPS). The new standards retain the 1971 NSPS of 1.2 pounds of SO2 per million Btu of heat input, but require SO2 emissions from all new or modified (post 1978) boilers to be reduced by at least 90 percent unless 90-percent removal reduces emissions to less than 0.6 pounds per million Btu. If emissions fall below that level, reductions between 70 and 90 percent are permitted, depending on the sulfur content of the coal. RNSPS for NOx are complex and, as with NSPS, set limits varying from 0.2 to 0.8 pounds per million Btu, depending on the type of fuel burned and combustion device used. RNSPS for NOx differ from NSPS in the number of categories of combustion into which they are divided. The primary goals of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 that affect generators of electricity are a 10-million-ton reduction in SO2 emissions and a 2-million-ton reduction in NOx emissions from 1980 levels. The reduction in SO2 is to occur in two phases, one that began in 1995 and one beginning in 2000.

Emission Reductions

Sulfur Dioxide. One method available to reduce the SO2 emitted when burning coal is to switch to a coal that has a lower sulfur content. Emissions of sulfur dioxide may also be reduced by using less polluting fuels, particularly gas. Another approach is to install equipment designed to remove SO2 from the gas (flue gas) released through the flues of the plant. Additional methods for reducing emissions of SO2, which include converting boilers to the fluidized-bed combustion process and employing the technology of integrated-gasification combined cycle, are currently under study and not in extensive use.

Nitrogen Oxides. Formation of NOx is less dependent on what type of fuel is burned than on how the fuel is burned. Apart from the nitrogen content of the fuel, the extent of nitric-oxide formation depends primarily on the combustion temperature. NOx emissions can be reduced by low excess-air firing; low-combustion temperatures; use of low-nitrogen fuels (such as natural gas and light distillate oil); staged combustion in which localized fuel-rich conditions are created where both thermal and fuel NOx are minimized; and use of low- NOx burners and fluidized-bed combustion.

Environmental Equipment

While not the only kind of environmental equipment installed at power plants, flue gas desulfurization units, particulate collectors, and cooling towers are the most significant. In a flue gas desulfurization unit (scrubber), the gases resulting from combustion are passed through tanks containing a material that captures and neutralizes the SO2. Particulate matter is most frequently removed from the combustion gases by either filtering (a series of filter bags that trap the ash and dust much as a household vacuum cleaner does) in a baghouse or with an electrostatic precipitator. In the latter, the particulates are given an electric charge and collected. Particulate collection is mainly centered on coal combustion because of the large percentage of ash that coal contains. Petroleum has very little ash, and natural gas has practically none. For a fossil-fueled steam-electric generating unit, about two-thirds of the heat produced by burning the fuel is released to the environment, and only about one-third is used to produce electricity. Most waste heat (contained in the cooling water) is dissipated into a body of water, such as a river, lake, or bay. Cooling towers are installed where there is insufficient cooling water and where the waste heat discharged into the cooling water affects plants or marine life. A cooling tower is a structure for transferring heat in the water to the atmosphere. The most common type is the wet tower, also called the evaporative tower. In a wet tower, cooling is caused mainly by evaporation of the water and partly by direct-heat transfer. Environmental equipment can represent a significant part of the cost of a power plant. This cost includes the initial capital cost of installation and the recurring operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Capital costs are given as a cost per kilowatt of installed nameplate capacity.>

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