Table 10.10. Advanced Metering Count by Technology Type,
2007 through 2015

Year Residential Commercial Industrial Transportation Total
Automated Meter Reading (AMR)
2007 25,785,782 2,322,329 44,015 109 28,152,235
2008 36,425,943 3,529,985 77,122 13 40,033,063
2009 41,462,111 4,239,531 107,033 11 45,808,686
2010 43,913,225 4,611,877 159,315 626 48,685,043
2011 41,451,888 4,341,105 172,692 77 45,965,762
2012 43,455,437 4,691,018 185,862 125 48,330,822
2013 42,491,242 4,632,744 196,132 1,202 47,321,320
2014 41,830,781 4,781,167 216,459 1,252 46,829,659
2015 42,326,302 5,049,978 226,908 1,023 47,604,211
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
2007 2,202,222 262,159 9,106 2 2,473,489
2008 4,190,244 444,003 12,757 12 4,647,016
2009 8,712,297 876,419 22,675 10 9,611,401
2010 18,369,908 1,904,983 59,567 67 20,334,525
2011 33,453,548 3,682,159 154,659 7 37,290,373
2012 38,524,639 4,461,350 179,159 35 43,165,183
2013 47,321,995 5,770,067 248,515 845 53,341,422
2014 51,710,725 6,563,614 270,683 916 58,545,938
2015 57,107,785 7,324,345 310,889 813 64,743,832
Standard (non-AMR/AMI) Meters
2007 -- -- -- -- --
2008 -- -- -- -- --
2009 -- -- -- -- --
2010 -- -- -- -- --
2011 -- -- -- -- --
2012 -- -- -- -- --
2013 32,059,522 5,104,322 244,114 132 37,408,090
2014 32,995,176 5,642,247 254,621 1,331 38,893,375
2015 32,430,105 5,744,831 290,354 432 38,465,722
Total Number of Meters
2007 -- -- -- -- --
2008 -- -- -- -- --
2009 -- -- -- -- --
2010 -- -- -- -- --
2011 -- -- -- -- --
2012 -- -- -- -- --
2013 121,872,759 15,507,133 688,761 2,179 138,070,832
2014 126,536,682 16,987,028 741,763 3,499 144,268,972
2015 131,864,192 18,119,154 828,151 2,268 150,813,765

Prior to 2010, the count was the number of customers, not number of meters.
Starting in 2013 Standard (Non-AMR/AMI) meter data was collected on the EIA-861.
This data is not collected on the EIA-861S.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report." Form EIA-861S, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report (Short Form)."