While much of our work is classified , we regularly release information to the public. Get a glimpse into the IC with these declassified documents, public statements, and more.

IC on the Record Database

Search IC on the Record Database

Our IC on the Record Database allows researchers, academics, policy advocates, and everyday citizens to search through our authoritative and factual library of policies on various areas of interest...

Source: ODNI
Tet Offensive Declassified

Tet Offensive: Declassified

In recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Tet Offensive—which took place on January 30, 1968—Director of National Intelligence Daniel R. Coats directed intelligence agencies to review their...


Explore Bin Laden's Bookshelf

In the weeks following the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, by United States forces, U.S. Intelligence Community analysts sifted through the recovered digital and hard...

Source: ODNI
NGA Hurricane Support

NGA Geoint Services: Hurricane Support

The site provides a single location for consolidated tools and situational awareness to assist in understanding the extent of damage caused by Hurricane Matthew and provides ready-to-use information...

Source: NGA
National Cryptologic Museum

NSA's National Cryptologic Museum

The National Cryptologic Museum is the National Security Agency's principal gateway to the public. It shares the Nation's, as well as NSA's, cryptologic legacy and place in world history. Located...

Source: NSA