Office of Administration & Management


Assistant Inspector General for Administration and Management

Eileen Ennis, Ph.D.

As Assistant Inspector General for Administration and Management, Dr. Ennis oversees DOT OIG’s full range of administrative services including human resources, training, information technology, financial management, and acquisitions and procurements. 

Prior to joining DOT OIG in February 2015, Dr. Ennis served in the Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate as the Director of Administration and Support.

Before her appointment at DHS, Dr. Ennis served as the Deputy Special Inspector General for Operations at the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program where she was responsible for standing up the newly created agency from a blank canvas and establishing all operational, administrative, technical, and infrastructure programs and services.

Prior to the creation of SIGTARP, Dr. Ennis was the Associate Administrator for Administration and Chief Information Officer for the Research and Innovative Technology Administration at DOT. In addition, Dr. Ennis temporarily served as the acting Director of DOT’s Volpe National Transportation Research Center where she oversaw a unique fee-for-service federal organization that conducted nearly $300 million in annual research and innovation projects addressing the nation’s transportation challenges. Also at DOT, she worked in the Office of the Chief Information Officer where she served as an Associate CIO presiding over a $3 billion IT budget.

Before transferring to DOT, Dr. Ennis was employed at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission where she was a Deputy Director/Deputy CIO. Earlier in her federal career, she worked in the DOT Inspector General’s office as a Project Manager conducting information technology and cyber security audits. Prior to public service, Dr. Ennis had a 11-year career in as a Material Control Manager for various manufacturing industries.  

Dr. Ennis holds a Ph.D. in information systems from Nova Southeastern University in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, MA in information and resources management from Webster University, and undergraduate degrees in psychology and law enforcement/criminal justice. She is a graduate of two master’s level programs at the National Defense University, the Federal CIO and eGovernment Leadership.