Top Management Challenges


DOT's FY 2005 Top Management Challenges

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We released our annual report on the top management challenges facing the Department, as required by law. The issues comprising this year's report are: maximizing value from highway and transit projects, controlling costs in air traffic control, retirements among air traffic controllers, increasing aviation capacity, ensuring aviation safety, condition of the airline industry, improving surface safety programs, strengthening financial management of Federal funds, fraud prevention management, meeting information technology acquisition and computer security, restructuring the intercity passenger rail system, and strengthening management oversight of Title XI loans. We also identified three emerging issues that we believe will become increasingly important over the coming years: (1) shortfalls in trust fund revenues, (2) growing interdependency among DOT and other Federal agencies in the security and environmental areas, and (3) meeting human resource challenges given retirements and changing skill mix. In addition to normal distribution to the Department and appropriate congressional authorizing and appropriation committees, the report will be incorporated into the Department's FY 2005 Performance and Accountability Report, which is signed by the Secretary and sent to Congress and OMB.