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Double, double toil and trouble, fire burn and caldron bubble…

The following is a guest post by Francisco Macías, Senior Legal Information Analyst.

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg, and owlet’s wing,—
from William Shakespeare’s Macbeth

Three witches standing around a boiling cauldron. (Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.)

If you’ve read my colleagues’ blog posts — Kelly Buchanan, Nathan Dorn, Claire Feikert-Ahalt, Hanibal Goitom, and David Mao, among others — you might think that we have a close relationship with the occult and esoteric. We have an interest because the law, which responds to all human concerns, definitely seems to be spellbound by these subjects.

Because today is Halloween (also Hallowe’en, and All-Hallows-Eve), I thought I would provide you with a little more on issues that may be related to the holiday. As part of the ever-present duality of “good” and “evil,” “trick-or-treating,” the common Halloween practice of asking for candies from door-to-door while donning a costume, seems to parallel a Hallowmas (All-Hallows-Day) tradition where “soulers” (children and poor people) begged for “soul cakes.”

Today, irrespective of one’s beliefs, Halloween is just another secular reason for merriment. Even UNICEF has joined in on the fun for a charitable cause. Although, Halloween is generally celebrated in countries that were/are British commonwealths, the allure of costumes and treats has bewitched and beguiled other cultures into joining in on the fun. Along with the aim of securing everyone’s fun and well-being come some norms—in order to keep all the ghouls and goblins out there in check.

Title page and last page of Strange Phenomena of New England in the 17th Century. (Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Division.)

Below is a jack-o-lantern full of related U.S. laws. Keep in mind that some of these laws stem from the particular histories of these jurisdictions and aren’t necessarily the result of Halloween practices. In addition, many of these laws are related to the wearing of masks while committing a crime.

  • California — California Penal Code § 185. It shall be unlawful for any person to wear any mask, false whiskers, or any personal disguise…in the commission of a public offense.
  • Washington, D.C. D.C. Code § 22-3312.03. Offenses related to wearing hoods or masks.
  • Florida—Florida Stat. § 876.13 outlines the offense of wearing a mask, hood, or other device on public property. Its applicability at Florida Stat 876.155.
  • Georgia Ga. Code § 16-11-38. A person is guilty of a misdemeanor when he wears a mask, hood, or device…. However, an exception is provided for wearing a traditional holiday costume on the occasion of the holiday.
  • Michigan Michigan Penal Code § 750.396. Wearing mask or face covering device for the purpose of facilitating the commission of a crime is an offense.
  • New York State — New York Penal Code § 240.35 defines “loitering,” in the context of masks and disguises. There have been interesting arguments concerning this law in connection with the recent “occupy” Wall Street protests.
  • North CarolinaN.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-12.7 defines the offense of wearing of masks and hoods on public ways. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-12.8 defines the offense of wearing of masks and hoods on public property.
  • VirginiaVa. Code § 8.2-422 states the prohibition of wearing of masks in certain places, but provides an exception for wearing traditional holiday costumes.
  • West Virginia— W. Va. Code § 61-6-22 defines the offense of wearing masks, hoods or face coverings, but provides an exception for wearing a traditional holiday costume.

Some cities, like Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, have very specific regulations concerning the time and date for celebrating Halloween. It bears stating that “when in Hörselberg, do as the witches.”

For those of you with children looking for a fun book to read, here’s a personal favorite from my days as the librarian at Travis Elementary in Harlingen, TexasCinderhazel by Deborah Nourse Lattimore.  For those of you doing the monster mash tonight, have a safe and happy Halloween!

National Library of Uzbekistan – Pic of the Week

The following is a guest post by Robert Newlen, the Assistant Law Librarian for Collections, Outreach, and Services in the Law Library of Congress.  Robert has previously blogged about Souvenirs from Moscow and Humboldt University Law Faculty in our Pic of the Week series. The Uzbekistan government has recently invested significant resources in improving library […]

The War Powers Resolution

As Andrew has previously mentioned, we frequently analyze web metrics to see which Law Library of Congress web pages are the most viewed. In addition, I have mentioned the Current Legal Topics page before in writing about the finding aids available on the Law Library website. A page that has recently been getting a lot […]

Interning at the Law Library of Congress

The following is a guest post by Legislative Fellows Program Interns Inna Grebeniuk and  Irina Khakhutaishvili.  Inna is a Senior Legal Adviser at the Main Legal and Experts Department, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and Irina is the Chief Specialist for International Relations at the Secretariat of the President, Constitutional Court of Georgia.  I hope you […]

DSK: A Tale of Two Criminal Procedures

The following is a guest post by Nicole Atwill, Senior Foreign Law Specialist in the Global Legal Research Center. I recently watched Dominique Strauss Kahn’s return to France on the French news as I vacationed there.  There was nonstop live television coverage during the day.  Many commentators pointed out that although Dominique Strauss Kahn (“DSK”) […]

Lunch with the Librarian of Congress

The Law Library of Congress Reading Room Management Training Program was established in May 2011 to offer subject matter experts in legal and legislative research an opportunity to learn about the full spectrum of management theories and apply them to an on-the-job management rotation within the Law Library. By developing and enhancing their management skills, […]

Map of African Legislatures – Pic of the Week

This week’s Pic of the Week is a map of African legislative bodies hanging on my office wall.  It provides simple but crucial information on the number of representatives in each African country’s national legislative body and the country’s type of the legislative body, either unicameral or bicameral legislature.  Of the 54 African countries, 24 […]

Scholar Joseph Raz Delivers Second Kellogg Biennial Lecture on Jurisprudence

On October 5, 2011,  the Law Library of Congress (LLC) had the honor of hosting a lecture by Professor Joseph Raz, one of the leading scholars on legal and political philosophy. Professor Raz delivered the second Frederic R. and Molly S. Kellogg Biennial Lecture in Jurisprudence.  The first inaugural Kellogg lecture in 2009 featured Professor […]

Writing Laws in Plain English in New Zealand

Last week Cynthia talked about International Plain Language Day and the global movement to improve the use of plain language in government and legal writing.  This week, as a follow-up to International Plain Language Day, I would like to take a look at New Zealand‘s approach to using plain English in the country’s laws.  I became familiar […]