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NAEP State Profiles

NAEP State Profiles

Find key data for state/jurisdiction performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) assessments in mathematics, reading, writing, and science at grades 4, 8 and 12 (where applicable). View trends and demographics, download snapshot reports, and compare results for each state/jurisdiction to the nation and to the other states.
Visit NAEP State Profiles

Public School District Finance Peer Search

Public School District Finance Peer Search

This search lets you compare the finances of a public school district with its peers. Peer districts are districts which share similarities among these characteristics: total students; student teacher ratio; Percent Children in Poverty; District Type; and Locale Code.
Visit Public School District Finance Peer Search

Education Finance Statistics Center

Education Finance Statistics Center

Use this site to get finance information on public elementary/secondary education. For specific public school district finance data, comparisons with other school districts, and school district fiscal and nonfiscal data over time, visit the Data Tools page. Under Finance Publications, you can find resources such as the NCES Financial Handbook.
Visit Education Finance Statistics Center

IPEDS Data Center

IPEDS Data Center

The IPEDS Data Center is your "one-stop-shop" for the retrieval and analysis of data on colleges and universities. Use it to access and evaluate the institutional-level data collected in the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The Data Center includes a wide-range of functional options, including the ability to compare institutions side-by-side, construct customized data sets, download full data files, and create different statistical summaries and trend reports. It also serves as an entry point to the IPEDS Executive Peer Tool and Data Analysis System.
Visit IPEDS Data Center