Please review the steps below to find out if you are ready to submit and what to do. Click the button to the right for a printer-friendly version of this page.

Step 1:
Schedule a Pre-Submission Briefing

Pre-Submission Briefings are required for all projects. At the discretion of staff, Pre-Submission Briefings may be conducted via phone or email for small and less complex projects. For particularly large, complex, or long-term projects, addition consultations may be necessary. If you've had a briefing, continue to the next step, otherwise, email NCPC to set up a meeting.

Step 2:
Review Submission Guidelines Requirements

Depending on the type of project (i.e. common project, master plan, antenna etc.) and the review stage (concept, preliminary, or final) you are in, the requirements for the Project Report may change. NCPC staff will help you determine what type of project and what stage you are in during the Pre-Submission briefing. You can view or download the requirements by navigating first to the project type and then the review stage tab in the submission guidelines page below.

Step 3:
Prepare Your Submission Packet

After you have reviewed the requirements for the project type and phase, download and fill out the application form. When writing the project report, be sure to include everything in the project requirements checklist identified in Step 2. View our Applicant Resources page for more information on how your project can respond to various topics such as transportation, historic preservation, or flooding. Note: All documents should be accessible and adhere to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended in 1998 (29 U.S.C. § 794 (d)).

Step 4:
Deliver the Application Packet to NCPC

Once you are certain you have everything you need for the project submission, please send us 3 hard copies of the materials and 1 digital copy via email. The digital copy may be sent with the hard copies in CD/DVD/USB format if the digital files are too big to be emailed. Make sure your submission package includes the application form and the project report with all items identified in Step 2.

Submit hard copies here:
National Capital Planning Commission
Attn: Plan and Project Submissions
401 9th Street, NW, Suite 500N
Washington, DC 20004

Step 5:
Send us an Email

Please send us an email notifying us of your project submission.

Step 6:
After You Submit

Staff will contact you if the submission is incomplete. Check the Agenda and Materials page to see if your project is on the Tentative and Final Agendas for the Commission meeting. Please contact us with any questions. Also see our FAQs on the Review Process and our Commission Meeting 101 page to understand what happens at the meeting.