• Project Title:
  • U.S. Postal Inspection Service Response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Start Date:
  • Monday, November 2, 2020
  • Estimated Report Release Date:
  • April 2021

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service is responsible for ensuring Postal Service employees’ safety and the security of the mail. During the pandemic, there have been some indications of increased levels of mail theft and mail fraud as reported by the OIG's Hotline and the Postal Inspection Service. Mail theft also includes destruction or mistreatment of mail while in the custody of a non-postal employee or the Postal Service. Mail fraud occurs when someone uses the mail to carry out a scheme to obtain money or property by means of false pretenses. 

The OIG would like to hear about your experience with mail theft or mail fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Have you experienced mail theft or mail fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, please describe it.
  • What law enforcement or government agency did you contact to report mail theft or mail fraud during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Comments (42)

We welcome your comments related to the topic on this page. Complaints about the Postal Service, including lost, stolen or mishandled mail, that are unrelated to the content on this page, will not be posted. Please visit the Contact Us page for information on where to file formal complaints with our agency or the Postal Service.

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  • anon

    Yes, mail theft occurred to me for the first time in over 10 years, during the height of the covid 19 pandemic, and the US general elections. I ordered 2 small cameras...they were marked as delivered, but my skybox never got it. I lost $ because my suppliers said the item was delivered and could not refund me. This had to have been stolen by the Miami/Doral post office

    Dec 14, 2020
  • anon

    Response Thank you for your comment. We will keep this in mind as we perform this audit. Also, please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Dec 15, 2020
  • anon

    The Inspection Service pulled its Postal Police Officers off the street in response to the increase in mail theft caused by the pandemic. Seriously. As reported by the Wallstreet Journal: “An order by the U.S. Postal Service to pull its uniformed police officers off city streets has sparked a legal battle pitting it against a police union, when the agency is already under scrutiny for delivery delays in a presidential election that could hang on mail-in ballots. The agency’s unilateral order ended daily patrols meant to prevent robberies of blue collection boxes and mail vehicles, and has left letter carriers without escorts on unsafe routes in some of the nation’s biggest cities, according to interviews with police officers and union representatives opposed to the change and a copy of the directive, titled “Postal Police Utilization,” reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.”

    Dec 12, 2020
  • anon

    How about how they falsify employees documents and mail as well. If the United States Postal Service doesn’t care about how employees are being messed over by their Postmasters and supervisors with false information, documents on how they tear up the ones the employees sign and submit the ones saying employees refuse to sign. Total criminal. But it’s allowed. Why the hell would they care if our mail is being mishandled? It’s shameful and ridiculous.

    Nov 29, 2020
  • anon

    I received a letter today allegedly from the the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in New Orleans, Houston Division. The letter says mail was stolen from collection boxes throughout New Orleans and a check I was sending to my accountant in Chicago was retrieved. I was asked to complete and return a questionnaire. The whole thing strikes me as odd. The letterhead does not look authentic. The return address is a P.O. box. The letter asks for the names and contact information of people I have spoken with about this. Is it bogus?

    Nov 28, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our audit is focusing on Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Dec 03, 2020
  • anon

    I have seen increased level of mail theft during the pandemic, both in terms of packages left on my porch, and the amount of mail seen dumped on sidewalks and public trash cans. In addition I have a relative that comes and goes through my mail, due to a family dispute. Nobody seems to care about this, and I can't get anyone interested in stopping the behavior.

    Nov 27, 2020
  • anon

    Thank you for your comment. We will keep this in mind as we perform this audit. Also, you may contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Dec 01, 2020
  • anon

    My local Detroit postal carrier canceled my mail and don’t know why. I followed directions on the vacant card that was left and still no packages or mail.

    Nov 26, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our audit is focusing on Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Dec 01, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our audit is focusing on Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 30, 2020
  • anon

    Why has personal package from Germany been sitting in Seattle, Washington since August 30th when it was supposed to go to California. It was traced to San Francisco before it ended up in Seattle so what happened? I only live an hour away, it was almost here. My sister spent over $60.00 for shipping on this package plus insurance plus what is inside. There are sentimental items in there that can not be replaced, and things I can’t get here. Per the tracker the package it is allegedly “in transit to next location”. I haven’t been able to get any help or answers as to what it going on, and I am beyond frustrated.

    Nov 24, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our audit is focusing on Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    In May of 2020...I received in my mailbox a letter from Fairbanks alaska...it had the green strips of paper on the back as a certified letter would have but no green card....when I called Devils LakeND post office I was told because of the pandemic..the postal carrier signed my name by her...which I never gave her permission to do..and was told by the postmaster here in Devils Lake...that carriers were told to leave a note in box and recipient would need to go to post office to get the certified lettd...because of this mistake I missed a temporary guardianship hearing for my 12 yr old son....we have been in court fighting this since may...my right to due process has been denied because I was not informed of the court date in a timely matter.....would you be able to tell me how to go about this or who to talk to....when i talked to the postmaster here in devils lake...she said there was no way they could figure it out...they have no way of keeping track of certified letters...she said the green card would have went back to the court the court said they didn't get it....postmaster said if i had a tracking number...she could help me...i didn't receive the green card so I wouldn't know the tracking number...closest I can get...is court was scheduled for May 2nd 2020...and i missed it because I never received notication...please help me..please and thank you

    Nov 24, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our audit is focusing on Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    Why is it taking 10-18 days to receive 3 day priority packages shipped from CA to PA? It’s been going on for WEEKS now.

    Nov 24, 2020
  • anon

    I've been wondering the same. All parcels coming to my address Allentown PA, are In Transit, Arriving Late. This started before the election, but has become worse. Now waiting 10 - 19 days for Priority and First Class parcels from CA. Ironically, when Amazon sends a Parcel Select item, it arrives in 2 days. Something is very wrong with the system.

    Nov 24, 2020
  • anon

    Trying to find out what happened to manila envelope mailed to Philadelphia PA. It was marked that it reached north Philadelphia station, marked out for delivery on 11/14/20 at 7:10 am. Still hasn't been delivered 10 days later. Post office is less than 2 miles from destination. My father is disabled and can't go to p.o., so what happened to package. Please message me back if you need further info. Yes I have gone through all the channels. Thank you

    Nov 24, 2020
  • anon

    Ms. Rosario, thank you for your comment. We will keep this in mind as we perform this audit. Also, please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    my box has been on since the 14th of November and I have no news of the box

    Nov 23, 2020
  • anon

    What happens when a postal employee cancels a person's mail without their permission. I'm in Las Vegas, U.S. veteran and on Nov. 7th, I checked my mail. I live in a complex of condos. The gate was opened as the postman was putting mail out, he didn't have a mask on and I'm high risk, so I grabbed my package out my box and turned to leave, when the post man confronted me. I would have gladly used my key, but his irate behavior and accusations that I would even consider stealing made me turn and walk away. I have not received mail since. I'm not going to be forced in a pandemic to go in the post office when I have a box here where I live. So, where's my mail? As it looks, I no longer trust the US Mail service.

    Nov 23, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our audit is focusing on Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    Our mail has been stolen on several different occasions. We are a business and as such many of our customers payments to us were stolen. Today we found that the new locking mailbox we installed had been tampered with. This had been reported initially to the Tolleson AZ Police Depart on 9/17/20. Nothing has been done on this case as of today. Isn't stealing the mail or tampering with any mailbox a federal offense?

    Nov 23, 2020
  • anon

    Ms. Selvage, thank you for your comment. We will keep this in mind as we perform this audit You may also send information to AuditProjects@uspsoig.gov and reference the Pandemic Response Audit.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    I have missing personal mail an d the nail missing mail contains highly sensitive information. I need my my to be delivered and received timely. I have noticed the the mail that is usually missing is the mail that can be used to steal my family’s identity. I have made numerous complaint to the post office and the government officials. I don’t want you’d to tell me how sorry you are when my personal information ends up in the wrong hands due to the government not making mail fraud a priority and holding the incompetent employees responsible.

    Nov 23, 2020
  • anon

    Ms. Ludd, thank you for your comment. We will keep this in mind as we perform this audit. Also, please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    I believe the post office, to save a few pennies, promotes mail theft. How? By not allowing customers to put mail boxes in front of their house. Me and my neighbors have to put our mailboxes 1/4 mile away on a Main Street. We can’t even see our boxes. And the post office doesn’t want to pay the rural carrier mileage to drive the 1/2 mile round trip to our homes. If our mailboxes were in front of our houses, I highly doubt our mail would be routinely stolen.!!!

    Nov 22, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our review is directed towards the Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    At my apartment building, the office held packages pre-covid. When the pandemic started they had to have carriers leave packages in the mailroom and then the lobby. A few of mine were stolen along with those belonging to other residents. I filed an online report, including contact info for my building manager, on the last and most expensive theft to the postal inspectorts. I have gotten no response except for an acknowledgement of my report. The apt. manager has since resumed delivery to the office due to the high number of thefts. I am a postal employee and disgusted by the lack of response by the inspection service.

    Nov 22, 2020
  • anon

    Thank you for your comment. We will keep this in mind as we perform this audit. Also, please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    I received a torn open envelope that was supposed to have a card and a $50 bill in it. I know cash should not be sent in the mail but this was from a 92 year old friend. Sad that this was opened and stolen.

    Nov 21, 2020
  • anon

    Ms. Disbrow, thank you for your comment. We will keep this in mind as we perform this audit You may also send information to AuditProjects@uspsoig.gov and reference the Pandemic Response Audit.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    My apartment building kept packages in the office prior to the covid protocols but switched to having them left in the lobby. A few of mine were stolen. I reported the most recent a expensive one to the inspectors with contact info for my apt. manager. I have not heard ANYTHING back. I am a postal employee and find this alarming.

    Nov 21, 2020
  • anon

    Thank you for your comment. This audit is focusing on the Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic.

    Nov 25, 2020
  • anon

    During this time I found out that USPS will work with the fraud. NOT checking ID, Not recording ID helping makes it easy for the USPS money orders to be cashed that makes it easy not to be caught. It also makes it easy for the USPS employee to cash USPS money orders freely for themselves.

    Nov 19, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the scope of our audit. Our audit is focusing on Postal Service response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud during the pandemic. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 23, 2020
  • anon

    We, that is my husband, son and myself, have had our mail stolen at least twice that we are aware of as a neighbor found some with our name on it dumped by the side of the road about a mile away. That was over the summer. Our response was to purchase and install and steel locking mailbox. We did not report it to the authorities, honestly I didn’t even think of it.

    Nov 19, 2020
  • anon

    Thank you, the OIG appreciates your comment regarding the U.S. Postal Inspection Service Response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud During the COVID-19 Pandemic project. We are in the process of looking into various concerns surrounding this subject matter.

    Nov 23, 2020
  • anon

    Ive been going through mail fraud for over a year My local police department told me to reach out to my postmaster which I did and they did not do anything about it they even forwarded my mail without my consent to someone else’s adress. It’s so overwhelming I am Done calling the inspector my postmaster the police department i give up these criminals can continue doing what they’re doing we have no justice

    Nov 19, 2020
  • anon

    Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, this issue falls outside of the jurisdiction of our office. As the Office of Inspector General (OIG), our role is to investigate waste, theft, fraud, and abuse within the Postal Service through our audits and investigations. Please contact the Postal Service Consumer Affairs Office (www.usps.com/help/welcome.htm or 1-800-222-1811) and they will be able to assist you.

    Nov 23, 2020
  • anon

    My election ballot never arrived. I printed one off the NYS election site and when I mailed it I received it returned to sender with no idea why. The envelope was printed from the election site. I have a picture of the envelope if you’d like me to send you the picture please let me know. I ended up putting the returned envelope in a whole new hand written one. I’m not sure if my vote was counted since the date was so close. Very frustrating.

    Nov 19, 2020
  • anon

    Thank you, the OIG appreciates your comment regarding the U.S. Postal Inspection Service Response to Mail Theft and Mail Fraud During the COVID-19 Pandemic project. We are in the process of looking into various concerns surrounding this subject matter.

    Nov 23, 2020

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