• Project Title:
  • Go Anywhere Highway Contract Routes
  • Start Date:
  • Tuesday, November 24, 2020
  • Estimated Report Release Date:
  • May 2021

The Postal Service uses contracted Go Anywhere Highway Contract Route (HCRs) services to transport mail and other products between plants and other designated stops. This contractual arrangement allows HCR suppliers to travel anywhere within the continental U.S based on the mail transportation needs of the Postal Service.

  • Are there issues with the Go Anywhere HCR services? 
  • How can the Postal Service improve the use of Go Anywhere HCR services?

Comments (7)

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  • anon

    Follow UPS, Fedex, Domion and other freight carriers that have proven how to succeed instead of wasting money on trying to hold this service together with a rubber band and Band-Aid by miss-management. This is a service that requires lots of transportation equipment and labor. Why is so much money being wasted and shortcuts being taken on transportation and out sourcing? You get what you pay for and regrettably USPS is paying to much for Management that has not a clue about transportation.

    Dec 16, 2020
  • anon

    I'd say create a true system all year for better delivery services. Have all carriers have a BOL with load numbers. The process at the hubs are taking a long time to unload at more temp workers on to handle the loading and unloading. The goal is fast and accurate services. I understand this has been an unprecedented season. Which will be the future of the holidays. We deliver as a sub contractor and ive made suggestions because we've been doing it for a while now. It has to be systems that the brokers have to see that make things flow easier also.

    Dec 16, 2020
  • anon

    Haven’t gotten my mail since DeJoy was appointed. You want to speed up service? Dump his ass. Another one leeching off taxpayer money.

    Dec 15, 2020
  • anon

    We thank you for your comments. How can the Postal Service improve the use of Go Anywhere HCR services?

    Dec 08, 2020
  • anon

    I’m in maintenance so I rarely have to deal with truck drivers but when I do they often speak in very broken English and we could use some translators to close the language barriers.

    Dec 02, 2020
  • anon

    Have you thought about using less green-house gas emitting modes of movement? Or stipulating via contracts that operators only utilize the most efficient fleet, complying with all EPA regulations rather than older vehicles. Additional suggestion is to move trailers that are deadheading via train as the efficiency and fuel savings out-weigh the benefits of bring the trailer back with a truck driver.

    Dec 02, 2020
  • anon

    I am a minority Certified Trucking company based in Chicago, IL. I would like to know how to get more information on getting mail transport route contracts

    Dec 01, 2020

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