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Transmission Plan

This page provides information about the BPA Transmission Plan. The Transmission Plan describes BPA’s ten-year system expansion and reinforcement plans for the transmission system. This Plan includes transmission needs identified from a comprehensive system assessment, transmission service requests, and interconnection requests. It also provides an overview of the Transmission Planning processes which leads up to the development of the ten year plan.

The Transmission Plan supersedes the BPA Plan. Although the Transmission Plan is a much larger document, the Transmission Needs section contains the same information that has historically been provided in the BPA Plan document. The Transmission Needs section of the Transmission Plan includes the information necessary to satisfy Attachment K of BPA’s Open Access Transmission Tariff.
The intended audiences of this Plan are executives, organizations within BPA, BPA customers, and other stakeholders who need to know BPA’s future transmission plans.
As part of the Attachment K planning process, BPA’s Draft Transmission Plan is posted for a minimum two-week comment period in early December for purposes of receiving comments from customers on the Transmission Needs section. After the comment period is closed then the Plan is finalized at the end of December each year. See the Attachment K Planning Process page for more information.
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