USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

IOWA Corn - USDA Photo

FAS at the Mission to the World Trade Organization

As part of the U.S. Trade Representative’s WTO team in Geneva, FAS personnel monitor the implementation of the Agreement on Agriculture, the Sanitary-Phytosanitary Agreement, assist with acceding-member negotiations, complement U.S. Washington, D.C.-based staff in the development, presentation, and negotiation of U.S. Agriculture positions at the WTO, and provide a liaison between the WTO Members and visiting U.S. agricultural interests.

FAS Mission to Switzerland

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Geneva-based personnel are Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) employees working towards improved U.S. agricultural exporter participation in the Swiss market.  We represent U.S. agricultural interests to the Swiss Government in Berne, as well as promote the sale of U.S. food, fiber, fisheries and forestry products to Swiss citizens.

U.S. Exporters:

U.S. exporters interested in the Swiss market may use this website as a guide to learn more about:

Trade with Switzerland

Export/Import Statistics for Bulk, Intermediate, and Consumer Oriented (BICO) Foods and Beverage:

Other Web Sites of Potential Interest

Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
U.S. Commercial Service in Switzerland

Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Contacts in Geneva

W. Garth Thorburn II – Minister-Counselor for Agriculture

Elizabeth Leonardi – Senior Agricultural Attaché

Tracy McMackle – Administrative Officer