Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay
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Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay

Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Wm. Lacy ClaySee All
    • Bradly Fletchall
      Please support HR35
      January 4 at 9:53pm
    • Cibr Staff
       Thank you for supporting the Congressional Dear Colleague letter on the NIH! NIH support of imaging research helps to save lives
      January 3 at 7:02pm
    • I am writing to strongly encourage you not to vote to raise taxes on the middle class. I am sure you know that the majority of the people you represent are not in the 2 % of the wealthiest Americans. We are epeople who worked all our lifes to have a warm home, a car, to send our kids to college and have warm food to feed them. Please remember who you represent. I believe removing the payout cap on social security income would be a smart move. Those who make more can afford to pay for social security.
      December 31, 2012 at 11:41am
    • Kate Gilsinn
      Dear Representative, I am concerned citizen. I am losing my job this July 2013 to outsourcing to Manila. IBM is the company that has moved their base to Manila to take my means of income to another country. I have not had an increase in my pay for over 2 years. My company is claiming they are not growing and can't give raises. I am supporting my daughter along with two of my grandchildren. That is a big enough worry and looming doom but we have this fiscal cliff hanging our income in the balance. I can't afford to have an increase in my taxes as this time. I can't believe that our elected officials cannot come to an agreement to stop us from becoming destitute. I hope that all of the representatives unable to reach an agreement or a clear and concise path to repair our economy do not have family that is in my same situation. A gallon of milk for $8.00 will certainly cut the amount of groceries I will be able to bring home. The increase in taxes will further decrease my take home pay and hinder me from supporting my family. I know that each and every one of you has been elected. We as voters thought we had made a good decision. In review of the inability to pass anything, (I believe this house has passed the least amount ever recorded) your jobs may be in jeopardy. Your inability will most certainly make us rethink who we put back in this position at next election. To accomplish nothing is inexcusable and an insult to your public you are serving. I am embarrassed and appalled how you are letting me and my grandchildren and their children down. Unless you are trying to stress out the American voters you are failing miserably. Please get back to doing the job you have been hired to do and pass a fiscal policy and get serious about cleaning up this deficit by working together. Stop staling like a bunch of young children and get this done. Stop protecting the people that can afford to take a hit on a tax increase and leave us little people struggling in day to day survival alone. Your protecting the rich only speaks to what is important to you your wallet. You need to review all avenues to decrease the deficit and not by robbing the poor! Sincerely, K. Gilsinn
      December 30, 2012 at 4:02pm
  2. Looking forward to speaking at the kickoff of the Missouri Statewide MLK Holiday Celebration at Harris-Stowe State University this Saturday. Free program begins at 6:30PM. Hope you can join us.
  3. I have just taken the oath of office for my 7th term in the U.S. House of Representatives.

    I am very humbled by this opportunity to serve you and I never forget who hires me to do this job.

    Thank you for putting your trust in me.
  4. Tonight, the U.S. House enacted a bipartisan compromise to protect the best interests of 98% of taxpayers and 97% of small business owners.

    As a progressive Democrat, there are parts of this bill that dissapoint me.

    But on balance, it is an adult agreement that makes middle class tax cuts permanent, extends emergency unemployment benefits, extends child care and educational tax credits and protects job growth in emerging technologies.

    This vote is a step back from the fiscal cliff, towards reasonable compromise on behalf of the American people.
  5. I have strongly advocated that we renew the assault weapons ban, close the gun show loophole by requiring background checks for all gun purchases, prohibit on-line sales of firearms and ammunition, and ban large capacity magazines. We also need to engage in an honest national conversation that reveals and begins to repair the root causes of this senseless violence.
  6. As a nation, we grieve for the loss of so many innocent lives at the tragic school shooting in Newton, CT.

    I send my sincere sympathies to the families of the victims.

    Our prayers go out for the fallen, and for all who have been touched by this horrible violence.

    May God strengthen and comfort them as they bear this awful burden.
  7. Well, they are at it again in Jefferson City.

    Bills that would require a photo ID to vote in Missouri have already been pre-filed for the upcoming state legislative session in January.

    Defending your Right to Vote is a constant battle that I will continue to fight.

    This story, courtesy of the National Memo, outlines attempts to suppress your vote across the country.
  8. I wanted to share some remarkable new research from the Pew Research Center on avoiding the fiscal cliff with a common sense agreement, protecting the Middle Class and growing jobs.

    President Obama and our Democratic leadership are a solution that cuts federal spending in a responsible way, increases revenue by asking the most fortunate to pay their fair share, and protects Medicare and Social Security. That is what the American people sent us here to do.See More

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