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FHFA Privacy Office

FHFA Headquarters Privacy Office Contacts:
David A. Lee, Senior Agency Official for Privacy & Chief Privacy Officer
Stacy J. Easter, Privacy Act Officer   
Miriam Smolen, Privacy Act Appeals Officer

FHFA Headquarters Privacy Office
400 7th Street, SW
Eighth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20219
Phone: 202-649-3803
Fax: 202-649-1073

Where to Request Records

To submit a Privacy Act request or appeal to FHFA Headquarters send by mail  to Privacy Office, Federal Housing Finance Agency, 400 7th Street, S.W., Eighth Floor, Washington, D.C., 20219 or by email to privacy@fhfa.gov.

To submit a Privacy Act request or appeal to FHFA Office of Inspector General send by mail to Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of Inspector General, 400 7th Street, S.W., Third Floor, Washington, D.C. 20219 or by email to FOIA@fhfaoig.gov. See also FHFA-OIG Privacy Program web page: https://www.fhfaoig.gov/privacy.

Please note that all mail sent to FHFA via the United States Postal Service is routed through a national irradiation facility, a process that may delay delivery by approximately two weeks. For any time-sensitive correspondence, please plan accordingly. Envelopes should be marked "Privacy Act Request." Requests submitted after normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday), will be deemed received on the next normal business day.

Overview of the Privacy Act

The Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, establishes a code of fair information practices that governs the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personally identifiable information about individuals that is maintained in a systems of records (a group of records under the control of an agency from which information is retrieved by a unique identifier, e.g., name, ssn, etc.) by federal agencies. The Act balances the government’s need to maintain information about individuals with the right of individuals to be protected against unwarranted invasions of their privacy.

Under the Privacy Act, United States citizens and legal permanent residents, upon request, have the right to:
    • Access and review records about you, and

    • Amend information about you that is inaccurate, irrelevant, untimely or incomplete that is contained in an agency system of records.

 The Act mandates that the Government:

    • Informs you why information is being collected and how it is going to be used;

    • Assures that information is accurate, relevant, complete and up-to-date before disclosing it to others; 

    • Allows you to find out about disclosures of your records to other agencies or persons; and 

    • Provides you with the opportunity to correct inaccuracies in your records.

FHFA Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices (SORN)

The Privacy Act requires that a notice describing each system of records be published in the Federal Register for review and comment by the public and other interested parties as part of the prescribe review and approval process. 

Listed below are FHFA Headquarters (FHFA-HQ) and FHFA Office of Inspector General (FHFA-OIG) Privacy Act Systems of Records Notices as well as FHFA adopted Government-wide System of Record Notices. Each SORN below describes what, why, and how we collect, maintain, use and disseminate records in our system. 

FHFA Headquarters Systems of Record Notices:

FHFA-1 Federal Home Loan Bank System Directory; FHFA-2 Financial Management System;

FHFA-3 Correspondence Tracking System (supercedes FHFA-3 published on 7/6/2009);
FHFA-4 Compensation Information Provided by the Regulated Entities;
FHFA-5 Photographic, Video, Voice, and Similar Files;
FHFA-6 Fraud Reporting System;
FHFA-7 Mail, Contact, Telephone, and Other Lists; FHFA-8 Federal Home Loan Bank Directors; FHFA-9 Administrative Grievance Records; FHFA-10 Employee Benefits Records; FHFA-11 Transit Subsidy Program Records; FHFA-12 Parking Program Records; and FHFA-13 Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Records;
FHFA-14 Emergency Notification System (supercedes FHFA-14 published on 1/5/2012);

FHFA-15 Payroll, Retirement, Time and Attendance and Leave Records; and FHFA-16 Personnel Investigative Files;
FHFA-17 ​Visitor Badge, Employee and Contractor Day Pass, and Trackable Mail System; FHFA-19 - Computer Systems Activity and Access Records System; and FHFA-20 - Telecommunications System;

FHFA-18 Reasonable Accommodation and Personal Assistance Services Information System; 

FHFA-21 National Mortgage Database System;
FHFA-22 Online Forms; 

FHFA-23 Suspended Counterparty System; and FHFA-24 Employee Adverse Action and Disciplinary Records System; and

FHFA-25 Applicant Tracking System; and 

Administrative Changes to FHFA Systems of Records Notices (FHFA-1 to 4; FHFA 7-16).

​​In accordance with OMB Memorandum M-17-06, unofficial consolidated SORNs can be found here

Government-wide Systems of Records Notices FHFA adopted can be found here.

Exemption of Records Systems Under the Privacy Act: FHFA Headquarters does not claim any Privacy Act exemptions.


FHFA Office of Inspector General Privacy Act SORNs: 

FHFA-OIG-1: FHFA-OIG Audit Files Database; FHFA-OIG-2: FHFA-OIG Investigative & Evaluative Files Database; FHFA-OIG-3: FHFA-OIG Investigative & Evaluative MIS Database; FHFA-OIG-4: FHFA-OIG Hotline Database; and FHFA-OIG-5: FHFA-OIG Correspondence Database.

Revised FHFA-OIG SORNS - FHFA-OIG-1; FHFA-OIG-2; FHFA-OIG-3; FHFA-OIG-4; and FHFA-OIG-5; and New SORN FHFA-OIG-6: FHFA-OIG Evaluations Files Database.


Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA)

A Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) is an analysis of how Information in an Identifiable Form (IIF) is handled. Conducting PIAs for relevant electronic systems is required under the E-Government Act of 2002 (E-Gov Act) and accompanying OMB guidance published on September 26, 2003. PIAs are intended to ensure that the handling of IIF conforms to applicable legal, regulatory and policy requirements regarding privacy, helps determine the risks and effects of collecting, maintaining and disseminating IIF in an electronic system, and examines and evaluates protections and alternative processes for handling IIF to mitigate potential privacy risks.

IIF includes information that directly identifies an individual or FHFA intends to use to identify specific individuals in conjunction with other data elements. The FHFA uses PIAs to identify and address information privacy when planning, developing, and implementing information technology systems that collect and maintain IIF. The goals in completing a PIA are to:

    • Make informed policy and system design or procurement decisions regarding the collection of IIF;

    • Ensure accountability for privacy issues;

    • Analyze both technical and legal compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations; and

    • Provide documentation on the flow of personal information and information requirements within FHFA systems.

FHFA P​rivacy Impact Assessments

​Computer Matching Notices and Agreements

FHFA Headquarters does not have any computer matching notices or agreements.

Additional Privacy Act References:

FHFA Headquarters and FHFA-OIG Privacy Act Regulation 12 CFR Part 1204 (Interim Final Regulation and Final Rule)
FHFA Use and Protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

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