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Abuse, Or Retaliation
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Audit Peer Review Subcommittee

The Audit Peer Review Subcommittee, a Group in the Audit Committee, handles all matters related to the audit peer review process. The Subcommittee is the focal point for the Office of Inspector General (OIG’s) frequently asked questions about the audit peer review process, requests for changes to the audit peer review schedule, requests for audit peer review report due date extensions, and report disputes. All questions and requests should be made to

For frequently asked questions, a Subcommittee member will analyze the information provided and consult the Yellow Book, the Audit Peer Review Guide, and any similar existing questions to draft the response. The other members review the draft response and supporting information and provide comments for changes or concurrences with the response.

For requests for an audit peer review schedule change, the Subcommittee will analyze the current and previous schedules and coordinate with the Inspections and Evaluations and Investigations peer review schedules to propose needed changes. The propose changes are submitted to the Chair of the Audit Committee for approval. Once approved by the Chair of the Audit Committee, the Subcommittee contacts the impacted OIG to obtain their concurrence of the changes. Updates are made to the schedule on CIGIE’s webpage after all approvals are final.   

For requests for a peer review report due date extensions, the Subcommittee will coordinate the requests with the Chair of the Audit Committee who will obtain the necessary concurrences from the Government Accountability Office. The request for an extension of a peer review report due date should be prepared on the reviewed OIG’s letterhead to the Chair of the Audit Committee and explaining the reason(s) for the delay (link to a sample letter here).
