The Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute uses a variety of communications and information technology tools to build and support the SSERVI community. These include high-definition videoconferencing, real-time meeting software, websites, online communities, social networks, shared databases, high end computing facilities, science visualization software, and mobile devices. These technologies can be used alone or integrated with multiple technologies to produce virtual meetings, seminars, and workshops; share knowledge; enable effective interactions both within and among teams; and support collaborative research and data sharing.

The SSERVI staff is available to help the community select the best technologies to fit their needs and requirements. Please contact, SSERVI-IT with questions.

Helpful documents for using this technology

The Collaborative Technologies for NASA’s Virtual Institutes maintains a collection of best practices documents that are worth reviewing if you are setting up virtual meetings or workshops at your institution. We have listed a few below:

NESF2020 – Virtual

LSSW – Virtual

Lunar Landing Workshop

Upcoming Events

SSERVI Team Science

Did you know?

The moon is not round, but slightly egg shaped with the large end pointed towards earth.

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