Canada Gairdner Awards

The Canada Gairdner Awards recognize scientists who make breakthrough discoveries in medical research, advance the knowledge of human biology and medicine, and make significant contributions to global public health.

  • Anthony S. Fauci (2016). Selected for his many pioneering contributions to our understanding of HIV infections and his extraordinary leadership in bringing successful treatment to the developing world.

  • Harvey J. Alter (2013). Selected for his work leading to the discovery of the hepatitis C virus, which was an instrumental step in establishing blood donation screenings, greatly reducing the incidence of hepatitis acquired through transfusions.

  • Francis S. Collins (2002). Selected for his outstanding leadership in the Human Genome Project, and for his contributions in mapping and sequencing the human and other genomes.

  • Arthur Kornberg (1995). Selected for his fundamental contributions to the understanding of DNA replication.

  • Francis S. Collins (1990). Selected for his contributions to the identification of the gene for cystic fibrosis.

  • Robert C. Gallo (1987). Selected for his identification and isolation of the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) virus.

  • Martin Rodbell (1984). Selected for his work in elucidating the mechanism by which peptide hormones act across cell membranes to influence cell function.

  • Bruce N. Ames (1983). Selected for his development of a sensitive and rapid screening test that detects potential environmental carcinogens.

  • Gerald D. Aurbach (1983). Selected for his pioneering discoveries in purification of the parathyroid hormone and his continuing studies of its mechanism of action.

  • Gilbert Ashwell (1982). Selected for his contributions to the knowledge of the cell mechanisms by which carbohydrate markers regulate the recognition and uptake of proteins.

  • Elizabeth F. Neufeld (1981). Selected for her elucidation of the enzyme defects in some mucopolysaccharide storage diseases.

  • Jesse Roth (1980). Selected for advancing the understanding of mechanisms through which insulin and other peptide hormones interact with cells and of the ways in which these interactions are altered in disease states.

  • Donald S. Frederickson (1978). Selected for his contributions to the understanding of the genetic, biochemical, and clinical aspects of the hyperlipoproteinemias.

  • Baruch S. Blumberg (1975). Selected for his discovery of the Australia antigen and its association with hepatitis, greatly enhancing our knowledge of viral hepatitis B and its prevention.

  • Roscoe O. Brady (1973). Selected for his work on the enzymology of complex lipids and his contribution to the management of lipid storage disease.

  • J. Edwin Seegmiller (1968). Selected for his elucidation of a number of inborn errors of metabolism and for his discovery of an enzyme defect in a neurological disease.

  • Julius Axelrod (1967). Selected for his fundamental discoveries that have influenced the fields of hypertension and psychopharmacology, specifically in relation to the chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism and pharmacology of biogenic amines, especially the catecholamines.

  • Marshall W. Nirenberg (1967). Selected for his contributions to the comprehension of protein synthesis, the role of various nucleic acid species in the cell, and complete understanding of the chemical basis of the genetic code.

  • Sidney Udenfriend (1967). Selected for his wide-ranging discoveries in chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism and pharmacology of biogenic amines, especially the catecholamines.

  • Stanley J. Sarnoff (1962). Selected for his contributions to the knowledge of cardiac physiology, and establishing physiological principles that have assisted medical scientists to better understand the action of the heart in normal and diseased states.