
Wasserman Schultz

Serving Florida's 23rd Congressional District Inauguration Information


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Wasserman Schultz on DeSantis' Whistleblower Persecution

Gov. DeSantis’ mishandling of the coronavirus in Florida has made him a global laughingstock and has caused so much needless suffering and death in our state. Now, beyond just deadly incompetence, it appears that he has ...


Wasserman Schultz, Shalala and Mucarsel-Powell Condemn ‘Sham’ Venezuela Elections

The Maduro regime continues to desperately cling to power by moving forward with illegitimate sham elections. The elections and their predetermined outcomes represent yet another horrifying assault on democracy.


Wasserman Schultz Statement on the MORE Act

For decades, the ‘War on Drugs’ and racism that has long stained our criminal justice system has resulted in people of color being arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated for marijuana offenses at rates far exceeding white...


Miami Herald: Florida data analyst raises more than $200,000 after police raid

The raid by state police of the Tallahassee home of Florida data analyst Rebekah Jones has helped her raise more than $200,000 in two days in a new GoFundMe account and revived her national celebrity.


Florida Daily: Florida Delegation Dismisses Venezuelan Elections as a Sham

Members of the Florida delegation from both sides of the aisle weighed in to criticize this week’s elections in Venezuela. Supporters of the Maduro regime took two-thirds of the seats in the National Assembly as only 31 ...


CNN: Fighting anti-Semitism online requires a global effort

Given the state of global affairs, it is not a given that we -- a bipartisan group of elected officials from Israel, the US, Canada, Australia and the UK -- would find common ground in the midst of a global pandemic. How...


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