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Finance & Rates
The Bonneville Power Administration is a self-financed federal agency under the Department of Energy. BPA is a not-for-profit agency. It is legally mandated to recover all of its costs in the rates it charges customers for wholesale electricity and transmission services. The agency is committed to careful cost management consistent with its legal obligations, sound business practice and environmental stewardship.

BPA funds all ongoing operations and repays the Federal investment in the Federal Columbia River Power System through the sale of wholesale electricity and transmission services. The federal system provides about one-third of the Pacific Northwest's electric energy and three-fourths of its high voltage transmission. Each year BPA pays back to the U.S. Treasury a portion of the taxpayers' investment in the Federal Columbia River Power System, which includes the federal hydropower dams that produce renewable electricity and the transmission system.
For information about BPA’s financial reports and public processes, please refer to the Financial Information and Finance Public Processes tabs on the left. Under the Financial Information tab, BPA’s Financial Reports can be found. Each category contains a brief description of the report, frequency, and point of contact.
For information regarding Asset Management, the Cost Verification Process, Rate Cases, Rate Information, Residential Exchange Program, and Surplus Power Sales Reports please follow the links on the left site of the page.
Most reports are in pdf file format and require the free acrobat reader.
For any other content questions, please contact the Corporate Communications office at 503-230-5273. For access to agency news releases, refer to our Newsroom.