Project materials submitted to the National Capital Planning Commission–unless they are deemed to be security sensitive–are considered public documents. As such, they will be made available to the public for review at NCPC's offices and on the NCPC website.

The Commission typically meets on the first Thursday of each month. Please note that there are no Commission meetings in August. Submission deadlines for most projects fall approximately 35 days before Commission meetings. Some projects need 90 days for review. These include:
  • Master plans;
  • Projects not on an approved master plan and requiring referral to state or local authorities;
  • Technically complex proposals; and
  • Projects requiring additional time to gather public input.

2020 Deadlines

2021 Deadlines


Coordinating Committee:

The Coordinating Committee is a group that consists of District of Columbia and Federal agency representatives. They meet monthly to review and comment on proposed projects located in, or adjacent to, the District of Columbia to ensure coordination among their agencies.

Submissions Requiring Referral:

Master plans and projects that do not fall within an approved master plan are referred to the appropriate federal, state, and local agency for review. Intergovernmental review occurs during Preliminary Review.