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With 189 member countries, staff from more than 170 countries, and offices in over 130 locations, the World Bank Group is a unique global partnership: five institutions working for sustainable solutions that reduce poverty and build shared prosperity in developing countries.

Our Mission

To end extreme poverty:

By reducing the share of the global population that lives in extreme poverty to 3 percent by 2030.

To promote shared prosperity:

By increasing the incomes of the poorest 40 percent of people in every country.

The World Bank Group is one of the world’s largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries. Its five institutions share a commitment to reducing poverty, increasing shared prosperity, and promoting sustainable development.


World Bank Annual Report

The Annual Report focuses on how the World Bank is partnering with countries to end extreme poverty by 2030, promote shared prosperity, and support the global sustainable development agenda.

World Bank by the Numbers


The World Bank Group has improved its ability to measure results and it has adopted standardized metrics across a wide range of sectors to aggregate contributions to development results across countries and across time.


The World Bank Group is accountable to its shareholders and the public through a set of feedback and accountability mechanisms. It continues to refine a set of indicators to track progress on client results and the effectiveness of its operations to demonstrate progress.

Open Development

The World Bank Group has opened its data, knowledge, and research to foster innovation and increase transparency in development, aid flows, and finances. A variety of tools, programs, and policies facilitates these goals.

David Malpass

David Malpass

World Bank Group President David Malpass assumed the role of World Bank Group President on April 9, 2019.


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