Tribal Health Research Office (THRO)

Who We Are

Established in 2015, the Tribal Health Research Office is located in the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives in the Office of the Director (OD), NIH.  The office was created in recognition of the importance of ensuring meaningful input from and collaboration with tribal Nations on NIH programs and policies.  The Tribal Health Research Office functions are to:

  • coordinate tribal health research-related activities across NIH
  • serve as a liaison to and NIH representative on tribal health related committees and working groups
  • coordinate and support the NIH Tribal Advisory Committee
  • collaborate with NIH Institutes and Centers on the development of reports on tribal health topics
  • manage information dissemination related to tribal health research coordination
  • convene trans-NIH committees, workshops, meetings and other activities related to tribal health research and scientific priorities
  • coordinate with NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) to leverage resources or develop initiatives to support tribal health research
  • convene at least yearly Tribal Consultation sessions

Learn more About us.

This page last reviewed on December 17, 2020