Thursday, October 1, 2015

New NOAA Fisheries Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Policy Open for Public Comment

NOAA Fisheries is developing an Agency-wide Ecosystem-based Fishery Management policy, which outlines a set of principles to guide our actions and decisions over the long-term. We would like your thoughts on what should be included in the new policy. Learn more and send your comments here.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Article Assesses Extent of Ecosystem-Based Management Use in the Federal Government

The status of marine and coastal ecosystem-based management among the network of U.S. federal programs, recently published in the Journal of Marine Policy, summarizes the extent of EBM usage by federal agencies under the National Ocean Council. Using social network analysis, various aspects of EBM efforts in different programs were explored.  Results highlight substantial differences in perceived and effective performance across programs.